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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Honestly this is a place for grown ups.
Oh yeah? Well you're a grown-up elitist, and I'm telling my daddy on you. I might even tell him you touched me... THERE.

**bwah** Poppa Chappo... pbrosnan wont let us kids play here anymore. Can you punch him in the ballsack?
(sic) MAybe we need some accountabilty given that the admins are spending our donations?

Admins or Moderators? Without the bleeding-heart donations, this site would still be cranking a few dollars each year. Look at the target market advertising opportunity. Wild undervaluation would hypothesise $5k p/a as a ready-reckoner. Four advertisers. Or five if EBS/TBS are not related.

$20k a year for a 'business' that runs itself is a pretty good concept. Annual running costs would be <$5k. Personally I'm thinking <$1k. For a 'set & forget' moneyspinner. With the placement of good, cheap management staff.

If the moderators arent getting paid - well, I reckon theyre being screwed.

Questioning mod decisions is a hanging offence around here.

Fook. You tell me that now ?

This post to be deleted in 3....2.....1....... :p

Yea, dude. You squirm in fear.

Must have been a hell of a guy (sob). Anyway is it the case that he threatened to kill Darren?
It doesn't matter. Many thought of him as a god, so this behavior was celebrated when the suspension was administered.

Crazy, Crazy standards, I'll give you that, pbrosnan
although it being near on 1.30am, i look at the online users, saw your name renegade, and came straight to this post lol!

Such public proclamations may see you hung, my son. Walk away while you still can.
It smells like poo outside.
funny you should say that. riding to work this morning and for about 200m along a main road all i could smell was poo. couldnt have just been someone loading their garden up with manure as it stunk for far too long. very weird

with any luck CUB will be brewing when i leave work and i get that lovely brewing smell for a good couple kms.
Picked up wicket number 3 on the second ball of the day.

The pitch still looks like a road.
with any luck CUB will be brewing when i leave work and i get that lovely brewing smell for a good couple kms.

Yeah West End have that same brew smell too.

Too bad what comes out in bottles from there tastes like cats piss.
This thread is no longer acceptable.

Heh. Hilarious to think that despite the number of times you suggest that, you don't seem to wield any actual power over the matter.

In fact, your absence was barely noticed since we uploaded a contrary-bot with the same username - any time someone expresses opinion over a social norm the bot responds with a controversial post, claiming to 'invite discussion'. Being just a dumb program, any time someone did make a cogent argument back at it all it could do was change the topic and call names. I did notice it had slowed down over the last week, and on checking the log files it seems that it managed to get bored with itself just as much as everyone else was bored of it, and started shutting down in some sort of electronic suicide.

I digress. Welcome back. How was your year off, anyway?
Heh. Hilarious to think that despite the number of times you suggest that, you don't seem to wield any actual power over the matter.

What's even more hilarious is that you would even consider that I believe I weild any power in making such a frivolous post. Clearly it's a term of whimsy. Are you an idiot* ? Sometime cleverness can backfire, Qu-Bert.

By my own admission, and your tireless campaign to paint me as such (bully!) I am a simple man, so perhaps you might clarify something, for I'm still stumped at your little riddle from earlier in the week. Are you the bear or am I the bear ? It's a very easy question, requiring a very simple answer. But feel free to gloss it up in your clever academic sparkle - maybe some members are still impressed with your insurmountable wit.

*Note the question "Are you an idiot" does not imply that you are in fact an idiot, therefore cannot be deemed as an insult. If I hadn't used up my question allocation for the day, I would beg for an answer.
Yeah West End have that same brew smell too.

Too bad what comes out in bottles from there tastes like cats piss.
i know its hard to imagine that form the lovely smell comes that avg beer. oh well makes my ride down hoddle st and part of the freeway nice.

hmmmm maltyness

with any luck CUB will be brewing when i leave work and i get that lovely brewing smell for a good couple kms.

I live 3 blocks from the Malt Shovel brewery, on top of the biggest hill in the area, with the right wind it can fill the entire apartment....

Right now however, the place smells like the guiness and red wine beef stew I'm making........So good..
Dang. I wrote a nice long response to RENt-a-car here and then accidentally wiped it. Oh well.

I'm not retyping it, and thus not responding to your questions, RENay.

Your predictability has become tiresome, abhorRENtly so, so I am withdrawing from conversation with you. You are just not worth the effort of coming up with puns, especially when your best response is a queer joke. Terrible.

I'm going to write a Darren-bot instead.

[codebox]program Darren
if ( malt_prices > cost + tol ) then
call complain(segue,complaint)
end do
if ( ! action ) then
malt_prices = malt_prices + epsilon
call bulkbuy(malt)
print(ahb,"told you so")
end if
end if
end program[/codebox]

All in good fun, Darren.
An hour to go and thats me on my hols! :chug:
Santa's hands appear way different in size.

Golden facial expression that.

Program 'Darren' has encountered an unhandled exception and will be terminated.

Call to method 'complain( )' violated 'namby-pamby' constraint. Please rephrase parameter 'segue', and execute Darren again.

[ahb: /users/jayse]$
