Beer-related post for those interested.
I work with one of the Coopers heirs (mum is a Cooper, dad is a Seppelt) and at the pub last night found out the story with the new skinny Coopers bottles.
A superintendent at work loves his CPA. One Friday he picks up a slab, and like most of us got annoyed with the stubbie holder falling off the stubbie. Calls said bloke into his office and says "what's the deal with these BS new bottles?"
Anyway, he's all "don't even start..." and it's clear there were some internal battles with it. A new bottling machine was required that needed to comply with a certain food hygeine standard and they needed to source the machine from Germany. The manufacturers only provided bottling machines for the skinny, 330ml-type bottle footprint so if they wanted to upgrade, that was their only course. To their credit they maintained the 375ml size.
On leaving he says "for what's it's worth, I heaps prefer the older style bottle and fought to keep them". Respect.
So there you go.