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sponge said:
What an incredible album (from what I've listened to thus far).

Great blend of funk, jazz, blues and rock. Bit of an untraditional drumming style by thomas in it as well. Not the usual jazz style drumming which would be played with that music, more of a heavily syncopated groove then the more freeform jazz style..

Really enjoying this. Good start to the (almost) weekend.
that's his (Scott) most straightforward album, and the only one Pridgen drums on. They get more wild after that. The album Anthem is quite depressing blue-jazz, written in new orleans after hurricane katrina. Yesterday you Said tomorrow is much more free-form, particularly the drumming. If you're into that kind of thing give it a listen.
shaunous said:
The drummer from Nile is a good watch if you like double kicks, can't even see his feet there moving that fast.
If its George Kollias, I think he's big on the heel / toe technique. Buggered if I can learn that ****.
Plus he practices heaps. And uses triggers. And has awesome talent. And wears invisible shoes.
shaunous said:
The drummer from Nile is a good watch if you like double kicks, can't even see his feet there moving that fast.
I just watched a couple of his videos and god dam that kid has some speed in his legs. That swivel technique he uses is real impressive...
Dave70 said:
Lets face it, they've always had that kind of edgy homo - erotic, aryan thing that uptight westerners don't really get going on. It makes many a metal head a little uncomfortable.
Personally I cant get enough of being bellowed at in German by a handsome baritone wielding a flamethrower. Or ejaculating strap on latex penis.

{edit - added homo eroticism}
Now I owe you a beer
Hmm, they're just like those girls back in the nineties then hey. :lol:

Oh and the eighties.

Ok, ok the seventies too.
Yep, Cocko definite fail. First time I used that one, it was pyrex and the glass was at least 4mm thick. Was sitting above the flame as well. I was exited about that one with a glass blow off tube and all. Good thing I still have the 6L one.

BTW I moderated myself and sent it to the right section.
bradsbrew said:
BTW I moderated myself and sent it to the right section.
Looks more like a derail to me. :ph34r:
Had to go to court today (for the Crown ),the Court House is directly opposite a church.

In the grounds was a lemon yellow torana hatch.

With a faux late model commy chev grill. And semi smoothed flares

Dear phone. **** you and your flatbatery
Yah, you've gotta keep that **** charged in case you see the WORLD'S UGLIEST CAR.
I hope it was the sunbird owner being prosecuted for what he done to that poor car.

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