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citymorgue2 said:
Wow mods. Just wow. U have deleted my post in the OT section without so much as a pm. Just becuaee I made a critisism of the board.
Censor mad around here. There is no way u lot can say this isn't because of the new owners instructions.

Way to screw up a forum. Perhaps we should ban AG talk and limit to tin of goo talk cause its more user friendly....
Look, why don you just *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Good thing about Rammstien is that even thou the sing in German, being metal they are about as understandable as the rest.

So I just turn it up to loud as ****.
Lets face it, they've always had that kind of edgy homo - erotic, aryan thing that uptight westerners don't really get going on. It makes many a metal head a little uncomfortable.
Personally I cant get enough of being bellowed at in German by a handsome baritone wielding a flamethrower. Or ejaculating strap on latex penis.


{edit - added homo eroticism}
haha.. back off topic again.

speaking of ******** drummers, this bro from NZ is amazing to watch live. Makes it look effortless.
Dave70 said:
Look, why don you just *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************.
right back at u dave.
I like tools music. Their concerts leave a little to be desired. I can stay at home and watch your film clips. I dont go to a stadium to watch tv. I can to SEE and hear the band.
citymorgue2 said:
Their concerts leave a little to be desired.
they have gone down hill each time I've seen them (about 4 times not sure)

2002 tour with Melvins was ******* awesome.
Some of my favourite drumming on an album has to be by Thomas Pridgen on mars voltas' bedlam in goliath.

Such fast and busy beats and funky, technical fills. Similar to DC on tool albums, he makes that album a whole lot more interesting and enjoyable than it would've been without him.
sponge said:
Some of my favourite drumming on an album has to be by Thomas Pridgen on mars voltas' bedlam in goliath
he's a great drummer. He drums on Christian Scott's album Rewind That.. he has this way of sitting in the pocket and being flashy at the same time, lots of syncopation. Not sure how to describe it. Excellent album to listen to.
When do you suppose OH & S will start coming down on venues that permit muso's to drink during a performance? They're professionals after all. Perhaps the punters will be forced to sign a waver?

A wayward mike stand or guitar body carelessly flung about by performer nearing the bottom of liquor bottle could do some real damage.
Liam_snorkel said:
he's a great drummer. He drums on Christian Scott's album Rewind That.. he has this way of sitting in the pocket and being flashy at the same time, lots of syncopation. Not sure how to describe it. Excellent album to listen to.
I think I've found my afternoon work activity..

What an incredible album (from what I've listened to thus far).

Great blend of funk, jazz, blues and rock. Bit of an untraditional drumming style by thomas in it as well. Not the usual jazz style drumming which would be played with that music, more of a heavily syncopated groove then the more freeform jazz style..

Really enjoying this. Good start to the (almost) weekend.
The drummer from Nile is a good watch if you like double kicks, can't even see his feet there moving that fast.

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