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Nil happenings. Move on, nothing to see here.

Amber Ale and Brown Porters chilled in the fridge, ready for Beerisyummy's arrival shortly with his mrs, our daughter dear.

Bought 4 good sized fresh lobsters at the Co-op this morning.
Bought 5 dozen unshucked Sydney Rock Oysters this arvo.
Mitchell 2002 Riesling, and McWilliams Elizabeth 2002 Semillon just extracted from the cellar.

We're heading for some good times.

And the plan is to brew a Hefeweizen on Boxing Day.

Christmas is a funny ol' thing. Out of nowhere had a good mate who had arrived 24 hours earlier from Singapore, drop of 3 fresh crays for the missus and me.

Boxing day shall be a feast.
Glad we're all acquintances here.

Merry (Whatever you celebrate)'mas
Saw a new 1st choice is being built nearby. Very handy when the local favourite italian & thai restaurants are 2 doors away.
I love it when things fall together like that!
Rummaging through the brewery this morning and noticed my hydrometer had a fatal breakage.

Emergency dash to local HB shop to ensure I had a new one before the planned brewday on Boxing Day.

About to walk out of the shop with my purchase, and two young lads walk in. They tell the lady behind the counter (LBTC) they want to try homebrewing beer, and they have most of the equipment but need to know what else they need and what to do.
LBTC says "I know nothing about brewing beer." With a sheepish look at me, she asks if I could maybe help!

First question I ask is what they plan to brew. Probably just a lager is the reply. I ask how they plan to control the temperature of their fermenter. Reply is "don't know." Explain they'll end up with a not very nice product if they do that and use a lager yeast. I suggest they'd be better off sticking to a simple pale ale style, maybe a Coopers Sparkling Ale kit, and don't use the kit yeast, use a packet of US05 instead. Had some discussion about controlling fermentation temperature in the absence of a brewing fridge.

Further discussion on cleaning bottles, cleaning other stuff, and sanitising. After steering them away from Metabisulphate and Pink Stain Remover as sanitisers, I think they may hopefully have gone home with half decent purchases. Fortunately, they seem to have a bench capper already.

Final suggestion was that they should join AHB, as it will give them all the information they need.

I'm still considering whether to send the shop an invoice for 20 minutes consulting time, at say $500 an hour rate, or whether to write it off as my goodwill gesture in the spirit of Christmas.

How lucky are you brewers with easy local access to shops such as MHB, CrafBrewer, Dave's Homebrew, G&G etc etc (and others of equal stature).
I've decided it would make for an interesting change of pace this evening if we relaxed with a movie marathon featuring John Holmes as the chief protagonist, rather than a shabby looking, inevitability, fair skinned blue eyed (?) idealist issuing me with a laundry list of impossible prohibitions from atop the Mount of Beatitudes.

Its gonna be hot lads. Keep your fluids up. Its a must.

Merry Xmas.
Is it just normal now for teenagers to go to public/family events and spend the whole time playing on apps/facebook/twitter on their phones? And when you suggest it would be nice for them to put down their device of choice and engage in some meaningful conversation with their family members you receive a look like you've just offered them a glass of fermented pig **** to drink?

FFS put the phone down and speak to someone, it makes me want to **** my pants.

Don't get me started on the amount of lacky bands and zip ties required by a manufacturer to secure a toy inside a cardboard freaking box.

Merry Christmas by the way!
Is it just normal now for teenagers to go to public/family events and spend the whole time playing on apps/facebook/twitter on their phones?
The adults I know are the same. ***** me to tears. I feel bad if I get my phone out just t check the time.
The adults I know are the same. ***** me to tears. I feel bad if I get my phone out just t check the time.

I know a few too. I'll respond to a text message if I'm out, no worries. But to completely ignore the social **** going on around for a couple of hours if just strange.

I remember when the Iphone first came out a few years ago. Me and the lady went to a party and one of her friend's husbands had just got one. We walked in, he nodded at us from the couch and mumbled a few words, then stayed inside in the loungeroom for the whole night on his bloody phone.

We left five hours later and had to trouble him for a lift of the head as a goodbye.
Smashed out my 8th saison today, 3rd with the Belgian yeast...fussy little ****** that it is (by comparison to 3711). Going to smash out my first APA in FARKIN ages tomorrow...200gms hops...bravo and galaxy mostly; I'll be interested to see how they get on together. It's been ages since I've been out of this whole AG thing, but I ******* love it. Getting pissed on the proceeds as I type.
I haven't been able to get hold of any bravo. How do you find it?
I'm still considering whether to send the shop an invoice for 20 minutes consulting time, at say $500 an hour rate, or whether to write it off as my goodwill gesture in the spirit of Christmas.


I studied for 5 years part time at masters level (equivalent to 2 years full time) so that I can justifiably ask for $65 an hour and that's on rare occssions.

Something's wibbly wobbly but more than likely, it's me that's got it wrong. I only get 20 ph + 1.25x loading (my main breadwinning job - so 25 p/h before tax) for casually* handling multi-million dollar artwork so I'd say it is me that's ****** up.

Goodwill, you and me both.

* As a casual rather than casual handling - I handle art like I brew beer: with love.
You're forgetting that he's retired. I suspect it might take more to get him on the books than it may you or I.
You're forgetting that he's retired. I suspect it might take more to get him on the books than it may you or I.

Just keeping it in perspective of what I did in my job.
Legal work and management of personal injury claims.

Still cheap compared to the $10,000 + per day charged by QCs and SCs for court work.
I haven't been able to get hold of any bravo. How do you find it?

This is my first time... I've had a pile of it sitting staring at me for a while. My reasoning behind adding a small amount of galaxy is that from what I have read bravo is quite 'dank' (to use Amerispeak) and resinous, so I thought I'd compliment it with another quite resinous yet fruity hop. After a week or so I can always dry hop if it needs more fruit to counteract the dankness.

I shall let you know how it goes.

I studied for 5 years part time at masters level (equivalent to 2 years full time) so that I can justifiably ask for $65 an hour and that's on rare occssions.

vocational error ^

should've been a stop n go lady, they're raking it in i hear.
Good luck with the sale of all your gear, Yards. I hope that covers what the ex is after.