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Geez, Now I wish I DID make a graph!

Here we go...

View attachment 38433

As you can see WB, I really couldn't be arsed.

edit: Actually Top gear should've been a bit closer to beerfest.
You failed to include Man vs. Wild... I'll need to revoke your man-card for that offense.

My beer-count is getting a little high for the one and a half weeks I've been here. At this rate I'll overtake bum's total late next week. Then again, I've given all the talks I need to give (total time 3 hours) so I guess I can relax.... I was very wrong about Anchor Steam - much milder than I presumed.
I was very wrong about Anchor Steam - much milder than I presumed.

yeah, its a pretty 'simple' kind of beer isn't it. ive had a few HB examples of cal commons and they completly miss the mark.

a simple malt bill like the below would do it justice.

89% Ale
5% Med Crystal
5% Amber/biscuit
1% Brown

I always seem to get alot of choc characters form HB examples. Nothing about it in the guidelines or in the commercial example. Its just a toasty copper coloured ale-come-lager. Oh, with the signature NB hops of course.
I've only had their porter but I understand it to be the same primary(?). It was throwing off flavours all over the place. Figured the lighter grain bill would make it worse so I skipped the steam.
Does it make me wierd not wanting to see sex in the city????
Nope, just consult the revised version of WarmBeers non-gender-stereotype scale of blokawesomeness:

WarmBeer's scale of awesomeness

Awesome........................................................Less Then Awesome
Beer or...............................................................Eurovision

* NWTSSITC - Not Wanting To See Sex In The City

Let me just point out that I am strongly at the awesome end of the scale on this issue but why is it that no who likes (or talks about) that show knows what the **** it is called?
Im not much of a television watcher! I can sit through Sex in the city no probs just wouldnt see it at the movies...

I dont like watching Top Gear either!
I Like watching Man Vs Wild, sorta like a comedy really with the accent and all. Top gear all the way though, those guys have every mans dream job, you get to drive awesome cars and act like you were 15 all over again
I Like watching Man Vs Wild, sorta like a comedy really with the accent and all. Top gear all the way though, those guys have every mans dream job, you get to drive awesome cars and act like you were 15 all over again

See I do understand difference between men and women, that just doesnt excite me but I can understand how it would excite a male!
There is way too many pepper corns in my soup
Camry drivers **** me. Everytime I'm on the road, camrys come along just to F##K my day!
4WDers are almost as bad, but at least they know what a F##ing accelerator pedal is for.

Camry... Japan's answer to volvo. (well they've got Subaru too, but Camry takes the cake)
Camry drivers **** me. Everytime I'm on the road, camrys come along just to F##K my day!
4WDers are almost as bad, but at least they know what a F##ing accelerator pedal is for.

Camry... Japan's answer to volvo. (well they've got Subaru too, but Camry takes the cake)
I love camry's. ive owned 2 coronas, 1 camry (wide bodies station wageon to boot!) and now a 2006 Rav 4. so i must piss you off to no end. oh and i ride a motorbike and filter in stopped traffic (I wont mention lane splitting).