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So it's made by a different company or the same one as guitar hero?
Same one. You can even import songs from the Guitar Hero discs to be playable within Band Hero.

The competing brand is Rockband.
Ouchy. Was the rider able to walk?

Yeah, he was fine, he scuffed his boot on my wheel but otherwise all was good.

ahh bugger so it did. i just saw cyclist.

im changing my story now pollux. you bastard hitting a motorcyclist brethren! bloody cage driver. ;)

We basically went for the same lane at the same time, only problem was he had better acceleration than me.....He was cool about, actually more concerned about potential damage to my car....
But back to the pushie-lycraspandex-flaming peddlers, 100% concur with rego, either that or outright ban on roads. How many effing paths do they need through all the 'green wedges' and yet, there they are, riding as slow as bat-**** dries, two or 3 of them buggers wide taking up an entire lane. you wanna be a Lance? drop a nut and go book a track day, but f-off the road - or pay the levy.

(long time disgruntled road occupier post commentary over)
But back to the pushie-lycraspandex-flaming peddlers, 100% concur with rego, either that or outright ban on roads. How many effing paths do they need through all the 'green wedges' and yet, there they are, riding as slow as bat-**** dries, two or 3 of them buggers wide taking up an entire lane. you wanna be a Lance? drop a nut and go book a track day, but f-off the road - or pay the levy.

(long time disgruntled road occupier post commentary over)
So money would fix the issues you have with them? WARNING: flabby rhetoric detected.
So money would fix the issues you have with them? WARNING: flabby rhetoric detected.
nope, but moves to leveling the playing field. TAC would be looking after claims from a cyclist being hit by a car, and as such, if the cyclist was at complete fault, they should have been required to be putting into the kitty that supports the commission, no? hence the manditory registration + sign up fee + inconvienience tax, plus upkeep of the infra-structure, plus...I'll stop here.
contribute to the infrastructure for sure. bloody pushbike lanes for free yet my rego motorbike is almost the same as a car becasue it has compulsary 3rd party insurance built in. blooody TAC.

i need a beer.
I do like the idea of some kind of bike registration, however it would probably back fire and some cyclists (note: not all of them, but there are fair hardcore bunch who are nuts) would probably feel they had an even greater entitlement on the road and be a bigger pain the arse!

They do (begrudgingly) have a right to be on the road, but a few of em need to acknowledge the fact that in a bike vs car arguement, car wins every time regardless of who is in the right. Right of way means nothing when your dead or in hopsital.

/end rant

Cheers SJ
I had a look last night and I *think* I remember it being something from Coldstream? Can't be certain - this was about 10 and things are a bit of a blur from that time on. Whatever it was I do remember they said they only had one keg of it so it may be due to blow and get swapped out anyway.
I had a look last night and I *think* I remember it being something from Coldstream? Can't be certain - this was about 10 and things are a bit of a blur from that time on. Whatever it was I do remember they said they only had one keg of it so it may be due to blow and get swapped out anyway.
Might be the pear looking thing they had last week CM2.
I just scored me another fermenting fridge :D I is appy
Might be the pear looking thing they had last week CM2.

that would be the 2brothers gypsy cider - 70% pear 30% apple

any of you guys tried it? i had some not long ago whilst i wasnt a huge fan trav and mick rave about it all the time.