No Dex Sparkling Ale Recipe Wanted

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My calcs came out at IBU47 ECB 11.5 Theres about 21IBUs in the kit alone.That POR is high AA% too. Suggest rethink hop additions and recalc. Of coarse I could be way out also. :icon_cheers:

Yeah I calculated a total of 36.9 IBU... too bitter I take it. I think I;m going to go with the advice on the previous page and maybe try

Coopers Sparking Ale kit 1.7kg
Black Rock LLME 1.5kg
LDME 500g
Crystal 120 100g - steeped 30 minutes

Boil at 1.040
Cluster (7.0%) 20g @ 30
Cluster (7.0%) 10g @ 20

OG 1.052
FG 1.013
IBU 31.2
EBC 12.9
BU:GU 0.60

Which I think would give me an IBU of about 31.2 - I'm trying to get a BU:GU of about 0.60

Does this sound any better?
Yeah I calculated a total of 36.9 IBU... too bitter I take it. I think I;m going to go with the advice on the previous page and maybe try

Coopers Sparking Ale kit 1.7kg
Black Rock LLME 1.5kg
LDME 500g
Crystal 120 100g - steeped 30 minutes

Boil at 1.040
Cluster (7.0%) 20g @ 30
Cluster (7.0%) 10g @ 20

OG 1.052
FG 1.013
IBU 31.2
EBC 12.9
BU:GU 0.60

Which I think would give me an IBU of about 31.2 - I'm trying to get a BU:GU of about 0.60

Does this sound any better?

Goose, your forgetting the kit, man.....Thats 21IBU. If you want 31 IBU, then you only want to add 10IBU from hops to the 21IBU from the kit.


15g POR for 30min would give 10.9IBU. Leave Cluster hops for anything other than Coopers, IMO. Begone with your eastern states devil hops, Bribie. :eek: This is Coopers. :lol:
Goose, your forgetting the kit, man.....Thats 21IBU. If you want 31 IBU, then you only want to add 10IBU from hops to the 21IBU from the kit.


15g POR for 30min would give 10.9IBU. Leave Cluster hops for anything other than Coopers, IMO. Begone with your eastern states devil hops, Bribie. :eek: This is Coopers. :lol:
Yeah okay I get it :lol: Maybe I'm getting my wires crossed here - My spreadsheet (from ianh) is giving me different numbers. I'm using the HCF method to calculate IBU which tells me that a 5L boil of 8.6% POR for 15 minutes will give 6.24 IBU... If I turn off the HCF it says about 11 IBU... should I be using the HCF (Garetz) to calculate the IBU?

Anyway I'm going to go with POR, now that I know Clusters are eastern states devil hops
should I be using the HCF (Garetz) to calculate the IBU?

Ahh, garetz and the I mentioned in my earlier post to manticle, different formulations will give different figures. There is a lot of discussion about which is best; DrK makes a good point here, which is basically to pick one and stick with it. There is further discussion on the differences here, particularly in the section IBU Estimation, on page 2.

So, theres nothing wrong with using garetz per se, but if you do, you'd be best sticking with that for consistency. But it's worth bearing in mind that most AG brewers that may give advice are more likely to be using the Tinseth formulation (not always, but more likely), so the numbers will work out differently (unless you specifically mention that you use garetz...although Beersmith, even when set to garetz, doesn't take HCF into account. at least afaik).

BTW, I was joking more than anything about the hops. But cluster is the hop in XXXX (amongst others), wheras Coopers use POR. AFAIK, Coopers don't use cluster.....Cluster should still give you a good beer, just not a coopers. ;) (but then again, the coopers kits don't really taste like much like their commercial equivilants anyway). Unless you culture up some coopers yeastie out of a CPA stubbie....then it would be closer.
Thanks Butters.

I worked out my mistake (a silly one too) but your info, as always is extremely helpful.

@OP Please accept my apologies for the hijack. I feel impolite.