Nifty way to watch\access "Geoblocked" content

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Was listening to Triple J's hack and they were talking about pricing difference between countries on software etc.
Someone called up and mentioned this VPN Service(I think it was called) called Hola you can redirect your connection through so it looks like you are accessing from the US etc.
I have been using it to access Hulu to watch various TV\Docos\Movies, Hola works a lot smoother than previous options for accessing US only content.
Lets you access Netflix also.

Worth checking out, plenty of BS tv shows but a few good one and there is a few brewery docos on Hulu.
No worries, tempting to hit up one of those cheap Kogan smart TV that runs Android, then I can just run Hola and the Hulu app straight from within the tv.
been using it for a couple of months for netflix, trying to get a script for afltv :)
Not sure, This is the page you are met with when you turn it on, lists various sites you can turn access on and off to.
I guess there may be some US Sport content on Fox

looks the goods. checked it out. couldnt get it to work fully off the windows install, but works fine off the google chrome extension.

if only HBO or direct tv had a script...
Techno-gumby here...

Could this be used to access sites which restrict sales to customers based on location and make purchases at reduced prices?
No i dont think so, that is more a deliver to location issue.. which can be bypassed by using a proxy address in the USA who on deliver. however with the falling $AU the benefits of purchasing overseas are reducing.

But if the site is blocking you based on IP address (your location) I guess it could work for that purpose.

Just tried it. again the windows install not working, but if you download google chrome browser and run the hola extension the browser thinks you are in the USA
I haven't used the stand alone program, I'm on a Mac so just use the Firefox extension and it works well, I found last night I left it connected all day yesterday and I had to turn Hulu access off and on again to refresh the connection.

I believe it can be used to purchase downloads etc that are geoblocked, its just US iTunes also requires a credit card registered to a US address, not sure about software downloads though, I will try it next time I purchase something, I guess if you pay with PayPal they may not know where you are located.
kevo said:
Techno-gumby here...

Could this be used to access sites which restrict sales to customers based on location and make purchases at reduced prices?
Web proxies are probably a better solution for you in any case (Google "web proxy"). But you will probably need to have a friendly address in the area they do ship to who will forward it for you. Unless you're talking about digital media but there could still be issues - it is complicated. You may also need a credit card from that region for some sellers (I need one for my US PSN account).

The service in the OP caches material on your machine for use by other users. It is essentially a P2P sharing service.
I believe it can be used to purchase downloads etc that are geoblocked, its just US iTunes also requires a credit card registered to a US address, not sure about software downloads though
Buy iTunes cards on ebay
Was way better when the exchange rates were better though!
I should have bought heaps!
A VPN will cost a few $$ but apart from the geoblock issue,it's a great net security feature,especially for public wi-fi.A proxy will beat the geoblock problem easy,Firefox has a nice FREE proxy add on that I use called 'anonymox',it gives 9 server locations,3 in the States,3 in Britain and 3 in the Netherlands. It works well.
I can't get anywhere with it on a Kogan smart TV either as a standalone Android app or a Chrome extension.
If anyone's got clue here, please share