Next Batch. A Couple Of Quick Questions...

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I'm gunna put down a Coopers Aust Pale with recultured yeast, 500gms LDME and roughly half a kilo of BE1. I'll be steeping some hops for a bit of extra flavour in the primary ferment and then rack to secondary and dry hop for some extra aroma.
what would be the best type of hops to use to suit this kit?
Ah mate, the choices are almost endless.

You could give it a British flavour with Fuggles and/or Goldings,
or a German direction with Halleteau,
or an American one with Cascade, Cluster,
or an Aussie one with Pride of Ringwood.

Of these suggestions I made a Cascade version late last year and it tastes great. Having said that yesterday I bottled a Hersbrucker version and the fermenter 'samples' tasted darn good. can't wait till it carbonates.

For me, Cascade is the best, but that's just my taste.

And I reckon if you're going to put some hops in, go more than just the straight kg, with maybe 750g of each.
would POR for flavour in the primary and EK Goldings in secondary complement each other?or would NZ Hallertau be better in secondary?
would POR for flavour in the primary and EK Goldings in secondary complement each other?or would NZ Hallertau be better in secondary?
hi..i've done a few of these kits and almost anything can be done with them...depends on the beer you wish to create/recreate...old no 7 was a corker IMHO maybe give it a try...
BREW No: 7
BEER TYPE: Coopers Pale Ale
METHOD: Kit and kilo
INGREDIENTS: Tin: Coopers Pale Ale (1.7kg)
Sugars: 750g Light Dried Malt*, 250g dextrose,
250g corn syrup.
Hops: Brewcraft Willamette hops 18 g @10 mins
Brewcraft Willamette hops 6 g @ 5 mins
Morgans finishing hops Pride of Ringwood
12 g @ boiling water at flame out
Yeast: safale 04 yeast 11.5g (20/c)#

also heres a hops guide below <not my work thank bconnery for it >its gold...pure bloody gold...
View attachment hopsguide.xls
cheers simpletotoro
As robbomc said choose a style you like, but I would suggest if you add english hops use an english yeast, something like nottingham, amarillo hops and us-56 would be ok for a APA style, even just experiment, if your not after a particular style.
I personally wouldn't put POR in primary because simply i prefer to use it for its bittering qualities.

ANy of the mainstream aroma and flavoring hops ie cascade, saaz, hallertau etc would give a nice balanced brew that the tastebuds will enjoy

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