Newbie On Kegs

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Just purchased a second hand fridge which i am thinking of turning into a kegerator. In the short term a beer fridge YAY!.
Wondering how many Kegs to get?. I plan of having two or maybe 3 taps
I imagine you could never have enough kegs...
I wonder how you age beer with kegs.? Do you age in kegs or cubes?.
Is there much difference between all the taps..hoses etc on flee bay!
thanking you!
All depends on how much beer you plan on going through, or how much you plan on brewing. I have 8 kegs & 2 taps and get by, but I'd really like a couple extra for some brews that need ageing like Lagers and big stouts.
I have 2 kegs. I would like some more but manage heaps easy. The hardest part is keeping them filled. hahah. I plan to always have one full keg, one drinking keg and then one beer bubbling away in time to fill the almost empty up.
As many kegs you can fit in your fridge! You can never have too many different beers on tap.

I have two kegs on tap and one sitting on standby. One more would be good though. I normally make a brew, depending on the style I'll time it to when I recon one of the kegs will run dry for aging (a wheat beer I'd age a week or two in the keg, a high gravity or other beer I'd age 1 or 2 months in the keg). After that I tap it, see how its tastes, if its still green, who cares, I let it cold condition in the fridge until it tastes nice and clean. I also use a cub to condition beers if I have all three kegs ocupied, but I know one will be all empty soon. You can age in either keg or cub, it doesn't really make any difference, comes down what you have available, or how much you want to spend. As a start its probably good to start off with two or three, and if you need more work your way from there!

As for ebay, I got my fridge, taps, drip tray and font off it. Haven't had any problems, but as a general rule of thumb, you get what you pay for. I got all the hoses from my local home brew store, mainly because the ones that came with the taps looked shit.

Beer on tap its god.
age in kegs, or post ferment, 3 taps I would go with 5 kegs, 2 Standard beers (APA and ESB) and 1 play beer (stout etc..), so you'll have a 2 kegs of each standard ( 1 for drinking and one for aging), then 1 keg for play.
Thanks Guys still not sure exactly what i will do...keep you posted

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