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ok, so i'm pretty inexperienced, no doubt. i often mash between 65-68 and my fg within that range are regularly (with us05) around 1010-1012 at 18deg when started at 1052ish. which is why i struggle to understand that another 2 degs would add 13-15 points to his fg. i honestly dont mean to sound pompous but i cant put my finger on it, and the op has (as far as i know) informed us of most of his process, of course i'm happy to be corrected. if the variation is due to the refractometer ,then i'm out cos ,i've never used one, but with those numbers (compared to my process) doesnt make sense.... i am a dumb cnt i know, but i dont see the obviousness, but like i said....dumb :D


It's more the fact that each little bit of the process adds something. Mash at 70 (very different from 65), mismeasure some volumes, misread/misuse your equipment etc etc - each bit adds a little that might be negligible on its own but it all adds up.
Once the beer starts fermenting you can't just look at the refractometer and say it is 1.035 or whatever.
You need to use a formula to adjust the reading.(or use Beersmith as I just have)

As far as mash temp affecting the apparent attenuation I too have trouble believing that it would make as much as 12-14 points difference, but with different grain bills, temps, duration and yeast who knows. There certainly is a difference in FG and mouthfeel but exactly how much I really can't say and I am not about to mash a Landlord type beer at 62 to find out. :lol:
okie doke, i def dont doubt you guys. but i still think its a noodle scratcher ;)

Feck it, I had a post in this thread drafted last night wondering if there was a refractometer in the equation. Sorry, my bad for binning it thinking, 'nah, couldn't be...' :rolleyes:
strubes, probably easiest to just get yourself a hydrometer, use it after pitching. You can correct refractometer data for alcohol though, I'm just not familiar with the calibration process as I don't use one.

How does the beer actually taste though, has any made it that far yet?
Feck it, I had a post in this thread drafted last night wondering if there was a refractometer in the equation. Sorry, my bad for binning it thinking, 'nah, couldn't be...' :rolleyes:
strubes, probably easiest to just get yourself a hydrometer, use it after pitching. You can correct refractometer data for alcohol though, I'm just not familiar with the calibration process as I don't use one.

How does the beer actually taste though, has any made it that far yet?
The taste question is what sent me in the direction of a refractometer as Strubes had said the brew tasted good, no mention of sweetness so assumed the beer was done.
:lol: He who hesitates is lost!

There certainly is a difference in FG and mouthfeel but exactly how much I really can't say and I am not about to mash a Landlord type beer at 62 to find out. :lol:
Trust me Nige, try it and you shouldn't be disappointed! Maybe not quite as low as 62, but down around there is where I mash most of mine, can be very pleasing indeed. :icon_drunk:

(Yeah, I snooze, so I lose! :icon_cheers: )
hah, just pressed preview post and saw all the refract posts, but this is my 2c anyway...

get yourself a copy of brewmate (free) or any brewing software that has a refractometer calc that will do all the conversions for you. Just make sure you get a correct OG

ot, is it just me or does anyone else liek to imagine themselves as a pirate whilst looking through a refractometer

ot, is it just me or does anyone else liek to imagine themselves as a pirate whilst looking through a refractometer
Arrr! Shiver me timbers, thar she blows! :p
Do tell? :huh:
Will need to find some references but Beersmith has a refractometer tool. There are three settings, unfermented wort, fermenting wort and finished beer each giving a different SG.
Will do some reading tomorrow as I have a day off and am not lucky enough to be in Melbourne for Anhc. :(
The beersmith finished beer option there requires both a refracto and hydro reading, it just calculates the OG apparently.

"Finished Beer ABV/OG - Calculates the original gravity, alcohol content and other parameters from a final refractometer reading and final hydrometer reading."

edit: 1.045 OG and 1.035 FG on the refracto corresponds to 1.013 FG which is 71% attenuation, much more likely (and 4.2% ABV)
Apologies guys.
It would appear that I have misread some information I have in regard to this.
On further reading it looks like the spreadsheet Barley Belly points to can be used for calculating SG from Brix in fermenting and finished beer.
I again apologise for the confusion.
More reading to do I guess.

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