I'm interested in this too.
If you took Lord Gaja Goombas recipe:-
20L Aldi Apple Juice,
Red Star Montrachet Yeast
Let it get to 1.010, and cold crashed. Gelatined to run the yeast out (I keg, so I can, but bottlers will require to run the yeast dry).
Then 600g of strawberries in secondary vessel and racked the clear cider onto it for a week's soak in strawberry mashed up.
What alcohol % would you expect to get? I don't think you'd get a huge amount of sugar from 600g of strawberries... don't know exact numbers though.
Is there an ideal temperature for brewing cider? Depends on the yeast, but i prefer mine fermented at the colder end of the spectrum. I generally use white whine yeast at 16ish.
I assume you can bulk prime bottles as you would for beer? Yes, as long as its fully fermented and still has at least some yeast in it. Which means unless you want a dry cider, you may need to backsweeten with lactose or similar. Make sure if you are bottling, you let the yeast fully ferment- ie, don't use the process you outlined above.