If I enjoy beers such as LCPA, It'd be a fairly safe bet that I'd enjoy the extra flavour and aroma from dry hopping, correct? (I'll still leave this one as is for a comparison, but just so I know for my next brew.)
Speaking of dry hopping, can anyone recommend a place I might find a stainless steel hop ball to use for this? Craft Brewer don't have any in stock and I haven't seen them in my LHBS. Could I also use one of these for future hop boils to keep things a little tidier than just throwing pellets around?
Anyway, my first hop boil went well. Boiled in the teabag with 1.5 litres of water for 4 minutes, then placed the saucepan into the sink, which I'd filled with cold water. I added some ice to the sink to try and cool it a little quicker, as everything else was taking a little longer than I'd anticipated. (I was too keen to start the boil and forgot to get everything else ready.
) Would the extra time (maybe up to 15/20 mins) spent in the warm water affect the flavour/bitterness at all or is boiling the only way to change the hop flavours given off?