Cheers for that Steve.
And thanks for the calculator Butters. It's probably splitting hairs, but when entering the volume, do you use the initial volume, or volume to be bottled? (i.e. Initial volume less hydrometer samples and trub?)
For the online bitterness calculator? Volume to fermenter, ie after loss to evaporation, break, and deadspace (and, technically, cooling loss). Although, for partial boils, particularly when doing hopped kits and extract brewing, loss to evaporation isn't generally accounted for, due to the fact that it's water boiling out of the pan, and you're going to be adding water to make it up to your recipe volume any water evaporated out of the boiled wort is made up in the water addition at the end, anyway. So what you lose on the swings you make up on the roundabouts. Break and deadspace...for kits, it's usually just all chucked in anyway. There are some people that will argue untill they are blue in the face that this causes negative impact, due to hot break going in etc. However, extract is produced by evaporation of wort, which has already had hot and cold break precipitated during boil in however many L, then top up to 23L (or whatever). Use 23L for the volume in the calc, but for the gravity, use the actual gravity of what is being boiled.
Once its in the fermenter, any further loss (such as hydro readings etc) reduces the volume, but the loss has the same bitterness as the main batch itself, so it doesn't cause it to concentrate at all. Loss to trub effects it on a technical level, because the (solid component of the) trub itself is precipitated from the volume, thus changing the concentration of the wort (marginally). But on a practical level, the precipitation also strips a certain amount of isomorised alpha, so it (kinda sorta) evens out. I don't know anyone that is anal enough to even calculate the effects of precipitation on IBU. Basically, once it;s in the fermenter and cooled to pitching temperature, you consider it to be a done deal. Any loss from that point on is considered to be a volume loss of final product, and doesn't effect final results.
If you decide to use Brewsta, give me a pm and I'll either post or send you some screenshots showing an example partial boil entered, cos theres a couple of ways of doing it, all give the same result, just worked out differently.