Hacienda Brewhaus
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Tried to do an 11Lt batch of Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale..
Ended up with 6.5L of S.G 1060.. What to do?? Suggestions??
I was surprised at how much space 2.2kg cracked Ale Malt takes up..
Does anyone know how much 1kg cracked grain equivalent to Litres of volume?? (if you know off the tops of your heads. Otherwise it'll have to wait till I get my stuff out again)
Reason I want to know is because Im hatching out an alternative method of doing my 11lt batches.
1KG of cracked malt needs about 2L of volume to store.
1KG of cracked malt displaces 0.7L of liquid, once doughed-in.
So if you can hold an 18L mash, you max liquid would be 18 - 2.2x0.7 = 16.46L, but its easier to doughin if you reserve a L or so in a jug, add your grain, and then add that back.
As for my 6.5Lt NS Summer Ale, I have added 2Lt filtered water.. S.G 1045, I have not yet added the yeast.. I am open to suggestion on how I can salvage this? (I had a taste it could do with more hops)
I think it should be fine, run with it.
You can always dry hop it, or frecnh press some hops etc.