yes! fruit wine is once my special recipe with two bins every week for my family and next doors becuase it very danger for us to buy from permit rooms. making with many fruits of apricot plums and always cane milk. mxing it some crosby and baker pills and drops from usa internet shop. also one time in every year i make a extra special wine from catching of the steam from boils of fruit wine, with very strong fnishing. too many times police catch me and we has to pay to keeping my freedom. **** police in my city before now. surprised to have home beer making in sydney everywhere for freedom so home beer will be the new fashion for me. usa beers are my best new taste from taking too many in murpheys on each weektime.
software recommend looks nice but looking for brix measure or i dont understand this software. my wine glass is for brix do you know about this for sugar mesured? for beer i am making calculations by paper and pencil. easy to know than computers for me
software recommend looks nice but looking for brix measure or i dont understand this software. my wine glass is for brix do you know about this for sugar mesured? for beer i am making calculations by paper and pencil. easy to know than computers for me