New Nanny Codeine System

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Since July this year you can't buy a packet of Codeine containing analgesics - e.g. Panadeine, Nurofen Plus, chemist's own Pain Tablets etc without a Pharmacist typing up a proper label to stick on a box and hand it to you with 'counselling'. You can't buy more than 5 days supply which in the case of Panadeine = a box of 40 or with Nurofen Plus a box of 30.

The reason is that a tiny minority of users were abusing the tablets to get high. I would imagine that to get high you would also be taking in enough Paracetamol to fry your liver or enough Ibuprofen to zap your stomach.
I suffer from gout, also a mild arthritis, and the other day I did my lower back whilst fumbling around in a bottom drawer in the kitchen. I normally have a box of both types lying around but decided to get a box o 30 as they were getting low. At the chemist the chief pharmacist came out and collected my name, address, phone number, other meds I am on, record of bowel motions, size of left testicle etc and I got a little speil about taking the tablets. I said:

"As a sensible mature age intelligent person I object to the humiliating attention-drawing public third degree just because a few low lives have decided to abuse this stuff"
"oh" she said "we are just concerned that every customer is give the best possible health advice etc"
Well, I said, you weren't interested in that two months ago as I could just walk in and buy some. Are you saying that 2 months ago you couldn't give a stuff about my well being?

As usual the eyes darting side to side looking for a window to get away from this annoying non-nanny-state-compliant person. I think pharmacists are frustrated school principals or bank managers and are sour about ending their lives as basically just glorified pickers and packers.
Edit: I know it's not the pharmacists, it's a Government move but pharmacists always seem to love playing "I am actually more like a doctor for your information, sir, which is why I have all these girls in floral uniform shirts working under me if you haven't already noticed............oh and also now I've got you you sonofabitch"

The stupid thing is that there is no realtime monitoring system, I could spend the morning visiting every chemist on the Northside and get up a stash of a thousand tablets if I wanted. If anything it leads to more Pharmacist-shopping and I can actually see a black market starting here. Stupid arseholes. end rant. :icon_cheers:
Some GPs ask less questions prior to handing out opioids.
Add to the list: Cold and flu meds
Spray paint cans
Cooking knives
Premixed drinks

yada yada.

Let's legislate everything because anything and everything can be bad for your health. The government loves you BribieG. We would like to encourage you to wear this rubber helmet in your day to day doings lest you hurt yourself.
banning/over regulating does not work as was shown in melbourne yesterday.
Codeine is a dangerous drug and governments should be doing things to regulate its availability when there is a visible trend of misuse appearing.

Bribie, one needn't take 10 packs to get the recreational effects as you intimate above. When injected it is much more effective than that.

Codeine can also be added to pyridine to simply and cheaply make something very similar to morphine (but is also potentially carcinogenic).
banning/over regulating does not work as was shown in melbourne yesterday.

Something not being an absolute solution does not prove that it is not having any positive effect.
banning/over regulating does not work as was shown in melbourne yesterday.

The idea is not to prevent nasties from happening, but to cover the backsides of the pollies and public servants. They know legislation can't stop nasties. If it could, we'd have no crime! The implemented legislated "solution" does not have to work for real in practice, but just give the impression it does.

By legislating, they can say they've done all they can to deal with a perceived problem. When something does go wrong, they can blame us, and they'll have an excuse to legislate even more!

The real job of pollies, at least those in the major parties, is not to represent their constituents, but to do everthing to promote and follow their party's orders, so they can hang onto power. They want to keep throwing up the smokescreen to be seen as people of real action with real concern for the helpless populace out there, even though that's a barely camouflaged lie.

The real job of public servants is to keep themselves employed, and the best way to do that is to keep coming up with hairbrained schemes for their ministers to implement, and so make lots more work to justify ever bigger budgets and numbers of public servants on the public teat.
Something not being an absolute solution does not prove that it is not having any positive effect.

the banning of guns, drugs or many other things has failed badly as history shows that if someone wants something there will always be someone else willing to supply the demand.
Are you being serious? Please compare the statistics of gun related crime between Australia and America. I refuse to believe that you've seriously put that forward as an argument.

So someone will sell drugs that will kill people and ruin lives whether it is legal or not so all laws are now irrelevant? Stupid.
It's getting that way here in Wa too.
For years it has been the case with PE. I hate PE as it keeps me awake at nights so I go PE free medication and have a flat white to give me a stimulant.
I do, especially in winter months pop 2 panadine to help me sleep as my lower back give me trouble.
I believe they should just put a notice on the pack like with cigarettes warning of the dangers. Like said the paracetamol will stuff up the liver if these drugs are abused.
I thought these measures were just about stopping bikies buying them to make speed?

I've bought a few things like this recently and they just ask for my ID, do some crap, then hand it back to me. No questions or anything.

Considering I have to hand my ID over to get into a strip club, and they scan it and keep a copy, it's not that big an ask really.

I am definitely anti nanny state thought and believe you should be able to buy this stuff in coles/woolies, along with alcohol.
Hopefully it will in time to pharmacists getting prescribing rights, which will free up medico's to get on wiht the serious business of examining haemmorids, and all manner of lovely things
Codeine is a dangerous drug and governments should be doing things to regulate its availability when there is a visible trend of misuse appearing.


Make it a prescription drug and save the accusatory/personal questions.

@marksfish - outright prohibition certainly does not work particularly well and has many other problems associated with it (increase in criminal activity being one of them). However regulation of things can make a difference. Personally I'd prefer less legislation/regulation rather than more - governments would best serve their constituents by focussing first on health, education and transport in my opinion.

There is a difference between regulation and prohibition though. In this case we are talking about regulations and their effects on legitimate users.

@Mark ******* - not sure you can make amphetamines from Codeine. Supposedly the regs on pseudoephedrine in cold/flu tabs were brought in for that purpose.

Make it a prescription drug and save the accusatory/personal questions.

Yeah but codeine is one of those drugs that doesn't really treat anything but a symptom and is more likely than not to be used on an on-going basis. Needing a prescription every time you want a box puts a strain on pretty much everything and everyone (personal/public finances, GP resources, everyone's time) and then you end up at the pharmacy anyway and they (should) always ask questions about your use of a dangerous drug regardless. Having the pharmacist regulate the purchasing of drugs like this is the quickest, cheapest and most elegant solution - whether the current implementation is the best possible method is debatable of course.

Not taking these things personally might work too. They're just doing their job and I guarantee they won't think about you again (apart from your dashing good looks) once the conversation ends.
I think pharmacists are frustrated school principals or bank managers and are sour about ending their lives as basically just glorified pickers and packers.

Just noting that as a former 2IC in a bank and current school principal. I see no logic in your assertion. :lol:

Cheers :beer:
recently had a knee reconstruction and the doc said go get yourself some codiene once youve finished the opiat based meds we give you

now im a large guy and to get any effect from codiene i need about 30mg of codiene so to not fry my liver i tryed to get a stock of the panadiene extra these are 15mg codiene per tab i was told no you can only buy 1 pack every 2 days (which is 1 packs supply when taking every 4 hours as pers docs instructions) or i can buy a 40 pack of 9mg codiene pain pills so i have to take 3 and get an overdose of paracetamol now tell me how the hell this makes sence if i was an abuser i would just buy the 40 pack and be damned with my liver but because i am a genuine user im faced with a. haul my screwed knee which at the time i didnt even want to piss because it hurt so much to move to the pharmacy every 2 days or b.spend $70 and haul my knee to the gp to get a script so i can buy more packs of 15mg

i dont know what the answer is but i tell you it surely isnt this
Cant you drink some strong beers, or some rum ? like in the old days * ?

(assuming your not driving or operating heavy machineryz ? :)

* back in 1800's, panadol obviousl didnt exist, doctors prescribed rum for low level pain ...

Grab some leeches too.

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