New Kit: Coopers European Lager

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I've made this up with 500g LDME, 250g Dextrose and 250g Maltodextrin as well as 12g Hallertau @ 20min and the same dry hopped into primary...couldn't be assed racking this one. After 6 weeks its come out alright, body is a bit thinish, but quite drinkable. I used the stock yeast at around 17-19'C and its come out quite clean. Has decent bitterness and the flavour profile really isn't bad for the money, although its a bit thin and not too complex...but it was the kit yeast with minor mods after all. There is sweet jack all aroma however - dry-hopping in secondary is the way to go with this one.

Personally I'd be adding 1kg LDME or 1.5kf liquid light malt extract as well as at least 10g flavour hops at 20 minutes and at least another 10g hopping dry in secondary. 150g Munich specialty grain wouldn't go too far astray with this one either. I don't think that mix would dissapoint anyone for the money.

Cheers - boingk

EDIT: Forgot to add - this holds quite a decent head; I don't pour mine hard at all or I end up with a 50:50 beer/head mix! Not the closest head around but it'll stay there for a while as well as looking impressive initially.
There is sweet jack all aroma however - dry-hopping in secondary is the way to go with this one.
Very true. For a "Euro Lager", it has jack all aroma, and a good handfull in a short boil and/or dry hop makes a big improvement.
Asside from being a little thin and bland, the hop bitterness is clean, instead of the horrid isohop bitterness used in many kits.
This is a definite plus for such a light-bodied kit.
Also agree that a few hundred grams of Munich or light German specialty grain wouldn't go astray as well.
I have made this kit a number of times now, and in my opinion it is one of the best kits out there. Comes out true to style. A bit of waiting also helps it a lot, but if you like the euro lagers as I do, then this one is a winner. Does not seem to get the twang like so many other kit cans do either. Does lack a little in aroma, but when I make this I usually always chuck in a hallertau tea bag after pitching to fix this. Other then that, its a cheap and simple K&K that comes out good always. I have made two of these already and they are great. Third one is maturing in the keg as I type in the fridge. It has been neglected for a couple of weeks du to me being away, but that won't hurt it one bit. It wil come out a ripper in the end.
Did this one about 6 weeks ago. Recipe: kit, BE2, 12g saaz at 15mins and 15g b saaz steeped 20mins and kit yeast.
So far it still needs a bit of time in the bottle, still quite green, but i can imagine it being great in another 6 weeks or so
Just picked up a tin. Planing to mix with
1.5 kg can of Black Rock blonde malt extract
500 g of LDME
150 g of Munich malt grain (steeped)
15g Hallertau for 20 min
10 g Hallertau for 2 min

I am not using any dextrose what % alc vol would i be looking at here? Any ideas ?
Youd probably end up with a fairly sweet brew with that

Kit + 2kg of malt + 150g munich would leave a fair amount of sugar. Possibly boiling up some more of the hallertau for longer will increase the bitterness and help balance the sweetness

Just my 2c worth tho. Try waiting for more suggestions

Just picked up a tin. Planing to mix with
1.5 kg can of Black Rock blonde malt extract
500 g of LDME
150 g of Munich malt grain (steeped)
15g Hallertau for 20 min
10 g Hallertau for 2 min

I am not using any dextrose what % alc vol would i be looking at here? Any ideas ?

That'll probably come in pretty high (depending on your batch size of course), which is fine if thats what you're after. Here's a handy tool for rough calculations for doing k&k. I'm pretty sure the alcohol estimator is off though. Just plugging the numbers for your recipe gives an OG of 1.057 for a 23L batch.

Hope this is useful


Edit: If I were making this, I'd leave the LDME out to reduce the sweetness, Cheers
This is a great kit for experimenting with. Does not matter really what you do, its going to turn out pretty good if you ak me. All the modification suggestions on here have been great if you ask me. The kit is a bit low on aroma as has already been suggested, so make sure no matter what you do, you give it a dry hop at the end.
Youd probably end up with a fairly sweet brew with that

Kit + 2kg of malt + 150g munich would leave a fair amount of sugar. Possibly boiling up some more of the hallertau for longer will increase the bitterness and help balance the sweetness


I agree that the brew will end up fairly sweet. The problem arises as only approx 80% of malt fully ferments, leaving behind some residual sugar. Hop alpha acid is added to beer to balance this out.

If you are using kegs, go ahead and make the brew, then when you drink it, see how sweet it is.

If it is to sweet, add 12 drops of isohops to 18 litres to increase bitterness by 6 IBU. Then drink, and add more isohops as required. Isohops need 1-2 days to settle out. Drink it, and then add more isohops as required.

In my experience a sweet brew from a kit with 1.2kg of LME needs 6 IBU to balance it out. As you are adding more LME, you might need to add more IBU.

Once you know how many IBU's you need to add for next time, you can boil up your malt extracts with hops to get the bitterness direct from hops.
1.5 kg can of Black Rock blonde LME
150 g of Munich malt grain (steeped)
15g Hallertau for 20 min
10 g Hallertau for 2 min

Sound like this is going to be a bit more spot on. I think the bloke at the HBS just wanted to make the extra cash and sold me the extra 500g bag of LDME. I may add 5-10g of Polyclar after lagering temp from 11'C to 18'C for 3 days and back down to 1'C then carbonate and store for a fue weeks.

Doing some sums found Original SG= 1.050 and Final SG= 1.014
14-50= 36
36/7.36= 4.8 % Alc Vol.
I am a newby to the forum and the jargen used what is LDME (is it liquid deextro malt extract?)
This is a great kit for experimenting with. Does not matter really what you do, its going to turn out pretty good if you ak me. All the modification suggestions on here have been great if you ask me. The kit is a bit low on aroma as has already been suggested, so make sure no matter what you do, you give it a dry hop at the end.

I currently have a Coopers Euro larger in my primary fermenter. It has been in there for 10 days, at around 14C.

Normally i builk prime the brew into a secondary fermenter.

Is is possible for me to dry hop the brew at the end to improve it? if so, what should I do?

Thanks for your time!
This is a great kit for experimenting with. Does not matter really what you do, its going to turn out pretty good if you ak me. All the modification suggestions on here have been great if you ask me. The kit is a bit low on aroma as has already been suggested, so make sure no matter what you do, you give it a dry hop at the end.

I currently have a Coopers Euro larger in my primary fermenter. It has been in there for 10 days, at around 14C.

Normally i builk prime the brew into a secondary fermenter.

Is is possible for me to dry hop the brew at the end to improve it? if so, what should I do?

Thanks for your time!
The only problem with that is that I've seen some members on here use that to mean
(I know in this case he did mention that it came in a bag but it can still be confusing)

Just picked up a tin. Planing to mix with
1.5 kg can of Black Rock blonde malt extract
500 g of LDME
150 g of Munich malt grain (steeped)
15g Hallertau for 20 min
10 g Hallertau for 2 min

I am not using any dextrose what % alc vol would i be looking at here? Any ideas ?

I agree that this might be a bit sweeter but also Munich malt is a base grain that requires a mash to convert. You won't get any benefit from just steeping it, unless you steep it for long enough, and keep the temp within 60-70C, or in other words, mash it.
If you do want to do a mini-mash then use more and drop some fo the extract.
Far better off to leave it out, especially in that amounts.

I've always read the abbreviations as DME and LME, with L(ight) , A(mber), D(ark) prefixed as required. If none, assume light generally.
I agree that this might be a bit sweeter but also Munich malt is a base grain that requires a mash to convert. You won't get any benefit from just steeping it, unless you steep it for long enough, and keep the temp within 60-70C, or in other words, mash it.
If you do want to do a mini-mash then use more and drop some fo the extract.
Far better off to leave it out, especially in that amounts.

Change of plans new recipe
1.7kg kit of coopers euro lager
1.5kg can of Black rock blonde liquid malt extract.
150g of munich malt grain
15g of hallertau @ 20 min
10g of hallertau @ 2 min

Ok. I may have my terminalogy wrong. I plan to place the 150g of munich malt grain onto a chopping board and crush it with a rolling pin. Place the crushed grain into a saucepan with 2-4 ltr of water and over a period of 30 min heat to 75 'C let the grain sit at 75 'C for another 30 min. After the heating process is complete strain the liquor from the pot into my fermenter.

How much Munich malt grain should i use? How much liquid malt extract should i use?
First time post:

I bottled a Coopers European Lager in early April. I bought it from Kmart in Ipswich (near Brisbane). Used a Brewiser "Premium"sugar. Turned out beautiful. It did have a real German lager taste. One of the nicest beers I have ever made. I have about 6 left.
I tried the Bavarian years ago but it was poo so I never tried it again.
I have tried to find the European lager elsewhere but so far have come up empty handed. I'll keep looking though. Strongly recommend, but then again I'm not too picky. :D
I currently have a Coopers Euro larger in my primary fermenter. It has been in there for 10 days, at around 14C.

Normally i builk prime the brew into a secondary fermenter.

Is is possible for me to dry hop the brew at the end to improve it? if so, what should I do?

Thanks for your time!

It sure is. If your going to rack to a secondary then just go purchase a hops tea bag from the brew shop, sanatise a coffee cup and throw in some boiling water. Throw in your tea pag and let it sit for 10 mins or so. Then put the whole lot in your secondary and leave for a week or so. It should add the aroma and taste you want to the brew. I would go for something that suits the style. Hallertau is a good one that works well. I am experimenting with adding wheat malt and Hersbucker to mine this time.
Ok, I have just bought one of these European Lager Kits.. I have 1.5 kg of Liquid Wheat Extract. 1kg of BE2 and 1KG of BE1.. Oh and 50grams of Hallertau pellets.. I would very much appreciate opinions on the best recipe based on above ingredients.. :D

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