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I'm new to the forum, but have brewed for a bit. I'd pretty much chucked in brewing over recent years, maybe putting two or three 20-odd litre extract brews down a year, but it seems the bug is back. This time around, I'd like to be a bit more organised with my brewing, including being fussier with cleaning and sanitising, as well as sorting out some kind of temperature control. I've an old fridge lurking in the garage that might work with a temperature controller.

The other change I'd like to make is switching to all-grain brewing. The massive thread here on getting started with all grain for under $30 is a big reason why I've got my enthusiasm for brewing back, so thanks to Nick JD.

I swing by the Wig & Pen a bit (I live in Canberra) to taste whatever new stuff is on there. I used to think I didn't like really hoppy beers, but have had some balanced IPA or related beer styles recently and enjoyed them. Mostly what I like to make and drink are ales and lagers. On the ale side of things it's pale ales and some brown ales. California Common steam beer is a new discovery for me.

I've not had great results with brewing lagers, but enjoy drinking well-flavoured lager styles. I figure I'll try a basic Australian pale ale as my first BIAB experiment, but would be keen to do a small batch of Vienna lager as a BIAB at some stage.

Anyway, thanks for all the information on here and looking forward to trying out some new stuff.

Hey guys!

I like to drink beer :)

I love to try different beers too. If I see a beer I haven't tried I normally buy it unless its an IPA *yuk! (reminds me of grandmas purfume) each to their own.

Going through the forums I've noticed you guys can sound like rocket scientists at times. I'm sure i'll get there some day :)

On to my third batch of home brew.
1st one came with the kit. It turned out alright. Discovered that finnings was gelatine. Being a chef I know that smell all too well. I found that the beer didnt need clearing really. i was just following the instructions. I ended up with little jelly floaties in the final product (any way to avoid that?)
2nd was a pre packaged kit of little creatures pale ale. Bloody beautiful.
3rd which is on now is another little creatures pale ale but doesn't have the williamette finishing hop like the first one (I didn't exclude it, it just didn't come with the kit)

Looking forward to becoming a master brewer :)

Welcome Mate, try Cascade as the finishing hop instead of Williamette.
Yeah, it has Cascade but the first batch had both

Thanks mate :)
does 'finishing' hop mean you have to add it at the end?

I saw one method that said to add the hops at the beggining and leave it in there for the fermentation process. The other said to steep the hops in a litre of water and add it just before bottling. I'm assuming the hops flavour would be more intense the longer you leave it in there, but is it like tea in that it goes bitter if over steeped?

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