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New to the Game Now whats best puting the Sugar in the bottles or Using Coppers Drops ?
'ello Plugga, bulk priming with dextrose is the go.
Try the search function for more info, and welcome aboard.
I used Coopers drops coz they came with the kit.... soon realised that the drops really vary by a lot in size.

I have just used a heap measuring spoon of white sugar since then... I don't rack to a secondary, so bulk priming can be messy as it disturbs the yeast cake.

Some "purists" say not to use white sugar at all, hence using dextrose.... my tastebuds don't have anything good enough to drink to actually tell the difference.
Yeh Sounds Hard Lads Does Anyone Have any Pictures of doing this
okay i got no pics... but heres the go...up to you if you want to try it...but seriously theres buggerall to it...

1. get your self another fermenter...
(at bunnings you can get a 25 litre camping container and a tap to fit it...make sure you get the one that takes a tap as theres one just like it with out the threaded hole...later you can drill a hole in the lid and then you'll have two fermenters ...above container $15 tap $2)

2.get some food grade clear hose (a couple of metres will do) that will fit over the tap
(i got mine from clark rubber...about $3)

3.always sanatize everything...

4.dissovle required amount of sugar in boiling water (say 200-250 ml)
(sugar amount from grumpys copyright issues intended)

Final Gravity Grams
1006-1008 180
1008-1010 160
1010-1014 140
1014-1018 120
1019-1025 100

link to grumpys

5. pour dissolved sugar into the empty fermenter

6.connect hose to original fermenter (now called #1) and place other end in the fermenter with the sugar solution (now called #2) (make sure the hose rests on the bottom of the #2)

7. place #1 on a table or bench so it is higher then #2 (gravity will do the work for you )

8. remove airlock from #1 ... open tap and allow beer to transfer to #2 (you can whack some glad wrap over #2 if you like to stop any nasties getting in if you like)

9.try to avoid splashing (in other words don't mix craploads on air into the liquid when you transfer it ...they tell me it can cause oxidation...)this is why you need the hose to rest on the bottom of the fermenter.

10. the swirling motion of the transfer should mix the sugar evenly through out the transfered beer (but if you like you can at the end give it a gentle stir with a sanatised long handled spoon)

11. now just put the lid on #2 (leave loose if you've not drilled a hole in the top of it as not to create a vaccuum when you bottle)


goodluck hope its some help

cheers simpletotoro
bulk priming is good way to go. if you want to use individual priming in bottles i use carbonation drops from brewcraft ( rather than coopers drops. brewcraft carb drops are a modified starch rather than a sugar extract. seems to work really well and the size of each 'drop' is damn consistant.

I just dont like adding table sugars to my brew a anytime. I used to do it 8 yrs ago when i first got started and beer was always average and occationally 'tin like or homebrew tasting'. found out that table sugar (fructose etc) doesnt fully ferment and can flavour beer. so i tend to use either brewing sugars to prime or a modified starch like brewcraft carbonation drops (and I know most of the guys here will say thats its being anal retentive - and probably is).

Then again if I was doing a big batch (like 40L or more) I would fall on my sword and use bulk priming for the sake or saving some time.
If you want to keep things simple, the coopers drops are nice and easy. I still use em every now and again.
until you start bottling with different sized bottles than the usual 375 & 750ml bottles... thats when you really need to get into the bulk priming methods as above.
How the Hell Ya do a Big 40L Batch

you just have to have a bigger fermenter. you can get your standard 30L and 60L.

or you can go to bunnings buy a container that looks like a fermenting keg (and has a tap screw alrwady there) then drill a hole in the top. Just like Simpletotoro suggested.

but to be completely honest i just picked a number out of my ass. 30L (or just under) and 60L (or just under would be more common. ie a stout kit that makes about 18L, you can use 3 of em to get 54L brew if you have a 60L fermenting keg.
you just have to have a bigger fermenter. you can get your standard 30L and 60L.

or you can go to bunnings buy a container that looks like a fermenting keg (and has a tap screw alrwady there) then drill a hole in the top. Just like Simpletotoro suggested.

but to be completely honest i just picked a number out of my ass. 30L (or just under) and 60L (or just under would be more common. ie a stout kit that makes about 18L, you can use 3 of em to get 54L brew if you have a 60L fermenting keg.

How many tin of Beer Mix would i Use for 60L
How many tin of Beer Mix would i Use for 60L

mate a usual brew is around 23 litres if ya doin a standard kit and kilo. so add 2 tins and ya 2 kilos of sugar and yad brew up to 46 litres.

personally id do a normal brew then wait 1 week then siphon into a secondary vessel as mentioned above to bulk prime or leave for another week to ferment again and clear the beer.

after you clear the first vessell do the same brew again but mix it all up on the old sludge from the first vessel (yeast cake) that white crud in the bottom is reusuable yeast so take advantage of it.

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