i subscribed online and recieved mine the other day and was a bit surprised at the magazine offering subscription at a lower price than i paid online ( $26.18 vs $31.25 for 4 issues ) but when i emailed beerandbrewer about it i was told that isubscribe , the online retailer, takes a cut hence the extra expense.if you subscribe through the magazine for 1 year it costs $6.55 an issue (cheaper than retail) plus it is posted to your door. not bad.
really tho, its a good read, with its heart in the right place and is cheap for what you get. i have paid more for a meal at kfc and didnt enjoy that nearly as much as the magazine! (no derr)
good points was the segment on breweries in new zealand, WA etc ( my mrs has been hammering me to go there and now i have a reason ) and the disdain which they treat the offerings from the mega swillers ( although they should not get too anti establishment or militant about them IMHO ).Enjoyed the recipe section also, and the bit about carbonating with nitrous oxide? now i have to find a yeast that expels NO instead.
bad points were the layout seemed rushed with fairly simple mistakes made in typesetting and editing errors and that story on the last page about david boon!!?! wtf? sorry, but it was poorly written and seemed more suitable for a sh!thouse lads mag like ZOO. if they wanted to end the mag with a single page exposition on some topic or other why not do a hop/grain/beer ingredient?
ill leave it there, but in my correspondence with beerandbrewer they suggested that the price was deliberately low.
"If the cover price was to rise in issues to come as well, you obviously wont need to pay more for your subscription, I have started the price quite low to encourage subscriptions and sales at newsagents/home brew shops."
sounds like you better get in early boys!!
(no affiliation etc)