Nelson Sauvin Smash

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Doing my first smash sometime in the next week. Just after something simple yet tasty for summer by the pool.

Nelson's Deckchair Ale (23L batch)
5 kg. JW Traditional Ale
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 60 min
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 30 min
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 10 min
Yeast : Safale US-05 or Coopers PA culture
IBU = 45 ABV = 5%

I know it's pretty simple but if anyone has any suggestions/criticism (upping or lowering the hops), they're more than welcome.
Doing my first smash sometime in the next week. Just after something simple yet tasty for summer by the pool.

Nelson's Deckchair Ale (23L batch)
5 kg. JW Traditional Ale
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 60 min
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 30 min
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 10 min
Yeast : Safale US-05 or Coopers PA culture
IBU = 45 ABV = 5%

I know it's pretty simple but if anyone has any suggestions/criticism (upping or lowering the hops), they're more than welcome.

up the late hops to 1g a litre otherwise you may be disappointed with the flavour/aroma even with the NS strength.

Use US 05 otherwise the fruitiness of the Coopers yeast will conflict with the NS and back off the bittering addition.

NS can be a bit harsh in my experience and I don't think there is going to be the malt guts in a SMaSH type beer to balance that level of IBU. i did one with a lower IBU using Munich and it was too bitter for me and I do love a bitter beer. I'd roll the IBU back to close to 30 and use the hops late. It will be a lot smoother and more of a summer drinker by the pool.
up the late hops to 1g a litre otherwise you may be disappointed with the flavour/aroma even with the NS strength.

Use US 05 otherwise the fruitiness of the Coopers yeast will conflict with the NS and back off the bittering addition.

NS can be a bit harsh in my experience and I don't think there is going to be the malt guts in a SMaSH type beer to balance that level of IBU. i did one with a lower IBU using Munich and it was too bitter for me and I do love a bitter beer. I'd roll the IBU back to close to 30 and use the hops late. It will be a lot smoother and more of a summer drinker by the pool.
Thanks Root.
I'll save the Coopers for something else.
I saw Ross' recipe somewhere in the database, so I might relook at that one.
edit: also cheers, Mark *******.
edit 2: Ross's recipe. I'll just follow this. Cheers Ross for sharing
Thanks Root.
I'll save the Coopers for something else.
I saw Ross' recipe somewhere in the database, so I might relook at that one.
edit: also cheers, Mark *******.
edit 2: Ross's recipe. I'll just follow this. Cheers Ross for sharing

+1 for Ross' recipe. I brewed about half dozen batches of it last summer playing around with different hops, malt & yeast. All of them turned out to be very drinkable summer beers! :icon_drunk:

Increase your later hops and dry hop some, cut back on the 30m hops. I have a Nelson Sauvin dominated recipe on the recipedb which worked out really well, as well as a citra SMaSH ale.

What I'd do is use an increase amount of 60 minute hops for the bitterness you need to overcome NS wine flavour, and then increase at 15 minutes to give that real punchy flavour, and dry hop as the aroma of NS is fantastic. I'm brewing as I type (well waiting for water to come up to temp) and NS will get a feature in this beer as well (rainy day and home from work in Brisneyland)

I would also use an amber coloured malt. Not sure of the specs that JW traditional malt has, so can't comment. My NS recipe used pale malt, which is the same as my citra SMaSH was very pale and quaffable, though I think it lacked the depth needed. If it ends up over bitter for your tastes, leave it a couple of months and it will mellow. These beers are like white wine - they are made to be drunk cold in a hot summer.

Final note - both Citra and NS (IMO) are very similar in nature.

Good luck - I hope this works out well for you. I like NS as a hop though I have found that it polarises people, per Petesbrew's comment.


edit: to make sense
Playing devils advocate... If you just want a summer quaffer for around the pool, I dunno if I'd bother upping the late additions from the original recipe. I'd probably make them 15 mins and flameout. Then dry hop a little as well. But if you don't want anything overwhelming it looks pretty good to me.

That said, I made a Mid-Summer Ale with Topaz and used 90g of it throughout: 20g @ 60m, 50g @ cube, 20g @ dry. OG was in the order of 1.037. Hops weren't over the top and I would consider doing this again for a pool quaffer.
I would drop the whole 45g of NS in at 15 minutes giving 34 IBUs, but that's just me.
+1 to Nick_JD, except I'd probably a little more later for aroma too.
I like your original recipe, Pete, but I'd throw in another 15g at flameout. I really like NS and I use it a bit. I find that evening out the additions gives a smoother, better balanced bitterness than just one or two additions. I've also found that a lot of NS in dry hop leads to a really grassy flavour after three or four weeks in the keg, hence the addition at flame out not in dry hop.... although the three or four weeks isn't usually a problem with NS ales around here... :rolleyes:

If you want a real summer quaffer, ferment it around 15C with Swiss Lager yeast an CC for a few weeks.... :icon_drool2:
WOW! I'm drinking pretty much that exact recipe ATM, except I used Pils malt. Coopers yeast recultured too... Add some more additions, post 30 mins and it's fantastic!
Another thing after using a fair bit of NS is I find (like a lot of these mega hops) it can be over used. I reckon there's a "sweet spot" of just enough, but not too much - where it tastes like great beer with hints of stone fruit and a sauv blanc aftertaste - but not like someone dropped a can of Golden Circle Fruit Punch in your keg.

One of my favourite uses for NS is for a sole 60 minute addition in a pale smash lager - heaps of the flavour comes through, and is an indication of how persistent this hop can be.

It can get on your nerves if over used.
Another thing after using a fair bit of NS is I find (like a lot of these mega hops) it can be over used. I reckon there's a "sweet spot" of just enough, but not too much - where it tastes like great beer with hints of stone fruit and a sauv blanc aftertaste - but not like someone dropped a can of Golden Circle Fruit Punch in your keg.

One of my favourite uses for NS is for a sole 60 minute addition in a pale smash lager - heaps of the flavour comes through, and is an indication of how persistent this hop can be.

It can get on your nerves if over used.

+1 - I think too much can be noticeably yuk
I'd almost forgotten I posted this topic.
Cheers for all the opinions & imputs, I'm still a noob at devising AG recipes.

I've got 5kg Trad already cracked for it. It's just a matter of how to utilise the NS. As I've been overhopping my American Ales recently - and they've been awesome :p - it'll be good to have something that's a bit more subdued, but with enough hops to make you go "mmm nice".

Schooey, I do have a spare Swiss Lager sachet waiting to use - thanks for the idea.
Hopefully I'll have this one going soon.
I'd almost forgotten I posted this topic.
Cheers for all the opinions & imputs, I'm still a noob at devising AG recipes.

I've got 5kg Trad already cracked for it. It's just a matter of how to utilise the NS. As I've been overhopping my American Ales recently - and they've been awesome :p - it'll be good to have something that's a bit more subdued, but with enough hops to make you go "mmm nice".

Schooey, I do have a spare Swiss Lager sachet waiting to use - thanks for the idea.
Hopefully I'll have this one going soon.

I recomend the lager treatment to. My latest experiment with Nelson Sauvin involved splitting the batch and fermenting half with SAFALE and half with Californina lager. The californian lager cleaned up very nicely and remarkably quickly while the ale has a sweetness (and ok maybe my mash temperature could be toned down and maybe the ale would have liked a warmer ferment) along the lines of what I think some one else had referred to as "pineapple punch".
Okay, I brewed it up today, as Per Ross' recipe, but with a few mods in the grain bill

Galeforce Ale (23L batch)
5 kg. JW Traditional Ale
250g JW Amber Ale
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 .%AA) boiled 80min
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 20 min
20 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 5 min
30 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) flameout
US-05 Yeast
Okay, I brewed it up today, as Per Ross' recipe, but with a few mods in the grain bill

Galeforce Ale (23L batch)
5 kg. JW Traditional Ale
250g JW Amber Ale
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 .%AA) boiled 80min
15 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 20 min
20 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) boiled 5 min
30 g. Nelson Sauvin (Pellets, 11.5 %AA) flameout
US-05 Yeast

Pete, I have 100g of flowers (dont wanna use all of them) I plan on using in a partial (coopers pale ale kit goop, 2kg BB Pale, 500g Munich 1 (I think))

Whilst its obviously nowhere near the same recipe, I was more interested in your hopping schedule. I have heard NS can be overpowering if over used...

Did you No-Chill or did you chill as per Ross' recipe. Steep for 20 mins then chill??


Pete, I have 100g of flowers (dont wanna use all of them) I plan on using in a partial (coopers pale ale kit goop, 2kg BB Pale, 500g Munich 1 (I think))

Whilst its obviously nowhere near the same recipe, I was more interested in your hopping schedule. I have heard NS can be overpowering if over used...

Did you No-Chill or did you chill as per Ross' recipe. Steep for 20 mins then chill??


I no chilled. I added the final hops in the fermenter and racked the wort onto it.

Good luck with yours Tyler. I'll say you'll only need 1/2 of em.
Sounds good. Have heard lots and lots of good reports on Nelson Sauvin. Big Kev excited to brew this one up :icon_cheers:

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