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Professional Drunken Yahoo!
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Well i wasnt lucky enough to go to the acca dacca concert in brizzy, but was wondering how many AHB'ers actually tagged along to the event (weather in QLD or not). I heard that the brizzy concert could be heard from 10Km's away! (Lucky Bastards!!) would juat love to hear how you fellers enjoyed the concert!

Yeah. I'd also be interested in feedback on this up and coming band.

Dude. They've been playing the same song forever. Of course they play it well.
Yeah. I'd also be interested in feedback on this up and coming band.

Dude. They've been playing the same song forever. Of course they play it well.

Mate, you must be trying really hard to hit 3000 posts.

Walace, I didn't see them either, but at our HB club meeting could hear them rocking and they sounded great. It took me back to the Sydney Sports Ground in 1980 when they toured after releasing Back in Black, one of the best concerts ever.


You're one post closer Bum! :lol:

I went to the Brisney concert on Thursday night. Awesome! Calling all Cars and 'mother were great too. The rain came down gently for 'Thunderstruck' which was quite a special moment. And I could still hear the next day too - the sound was great for such a stadium - a credit to the organisers / sound techs.

Chappso and Sully where there too...
I couldn't make it but one of the guys at work went to the Saturday concert in Sydney (In the mosh pit and close enough to get hit by Angus' sweat). Couldn't stop raving about it Monday. He managed to get a ticket to the Monday one and went again that night.

By all accounts the absolutely went off.
Well I will be going this Sat in Perth, No surprises for me as I have already seen them twice before.
I went Thursday night in Brisbane - a fantastic show!

I like bands that make me think, but I also love a group who simply turn up to play and entertain and AC/DC did that in spades. A great band in every sense.

A great show, pure entertainment, snuck into far better seats than the ones I paid for and got my daughter some flashing horns too.

If you have the chance to go, get there, yeah they've been doing the same thing for 30 years, but when you do it so well, why stop? Worth every cent.

Did anyone go see Whitney Houston? At least no-one expected AC/DC to sing!


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