Mystery Yeast

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Hypothetically - if some idiot forgot to label the jars of yeast (each saved from a separate starter) and then forgot the order in which the yeasts went in the fridge how would they work out which is which.

The yeasts in the hypothetical story are wy3711 and wy1469.

Current plan is pick one at random and throw it at my cubed amber ale.
Or even better, mix 70/30 without remembering from which jar you took each part - give some consistency to your idiocy.
make up some wort from dme and do a fast ferment test, 3711 will be close to 1.000 cf the 1469 at least 1.010. Would only need to do one of em. Smell would also be a bit of a giveaway too.
Open the jars, one at a time and listen carefully, the 1469 will be complaining about the weather and the 3711 will be rude and arrogant whilst trying to seduce you.
Surely smelling them would be a good start, I know every Saison yeast I have harvest has still smelt like a Saison, even after months in the fridge.