My Visit To The Wig & Pen

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To Canberra and area brewers, and anyone who feels like a journey...

I'll be rocking up with a couple of mates to the Wig & Pen on Saturday 10th. Thought I'd throw out a general invite/excuse for anyone who feels like visiting a great brewery...
I think we get in around midday so I'll probably be there from however long it takes to get from the airport to the pub, unless the guy we are staying with wants to go home first :(
PM me if you feel the need...
I was just working away and remembered that the Wig and Pen will be closed this coming Saturday due to a function. You might need to ring to double check but I am 99.999999% sure.


To Canberra and area brewers, and anyone who feels like a journey...

I'll be rocking up with a couple of mates to the Wig & Pen on Saturday 10th. Thought I'd throw out a general invite/excuse for anyone who feels like visiting a great brewery...
I think we get in around midday so I'll probably be there from however long it takes to get from the airport to the pub, unless the guy we are staying with wants to go home first :(
PM me if you feel the need...

Turns out you are right!!!

No information about that anywhere on their site or anything.

Thank f****** for this site, at least now I might have the chance to do something about it!!!

Not bloody happy!!!
I'm not a Canberra local so there might be better places around, but I had a good experience the other day at a bar called Debacle, just up the road a bit from the Wig&Pen. They had an excellent range of tap beers, including Chimay, Erdinger, Coopers, Zeirholz and no megaswill. The bottled beer range was also impressive - all the usual imported suspects and a few special ones like Rochefort 10 and Maisel. The food was pretty good too.
My mate down there says there are establishments with a varied range etc but I am still dirty.

The whole point of the exercise was to go to the pub. I've been a big fan of their beers since the National Festival of Beers up here a few years ago and was really looking forward to going.

The guy I spoke to said they will probably open up after the function but I am a bit dirty about the information not really being available.

If not for this site I would have rocked up at the door only to find it closed!!!

Debacle sounds like a goer though, and an aptly named place for what this trip is turning into ! :)
Going by that list of bottles in your signature bconnery why don't you invite them around to your place instead ? B)

That's what happens when they come up here :)
My mate down there says there are establishments with a varied range etc but I am still dirty.

The whole point of the exercise was to go to the pub. I've been a big fan of their beers since the National Festival of Beers up here a few years ago and was really looking forward to going.

The guy I spoke to said they will probably open up after the function but I am a bit dirty about the information not really being available.

If not for this site I would have rocked up at the door only to find it closed!!!

Debacle sounds like a goer though, and an aptly named place for what this trip is turning into ! :)'re a week late...last Sat was a Canberra Brewers brew day there...Richard brewed Staggers award winning Irish Red....a top day with top blokes , drinking top beer brewed by a top brewer.... was 'tops'... :beer:'re a week late...last Sat was a Canberra Brewers brew day there...Richard brewed Staggers award winning Irish Red....a top day with top blokes , drinking top beer brewed by a top brewer.... was 'tops'... :beer:

Yeah I saw the post about that last week. The whole trip was geared around when my mate could get me on his staff travel though so my luck is way out...
Crisis averted.

Heading down on Friday now :)

Wig and Pen and other places...
I *might* be able to cruise over there for a beer or two and to talk beer/**** Friday night :)

What time roughly will you and the crew arrive? :beer:

We fly in at 5 local time. I'd say we have to stop off at my mates house first so if I said 6.30 / 7 I think I'd be pretty right...

PM me for contact details or else look for the guy in a black Dark Star Brewery t-shirt...
bconnery - highly recommend starting off with a pint of the Wig n Pen Pale Ale and then work your way through range. Bloody beautiful! Unfortunately I cant make it. Have a good one.
Well it all went very much according to plan.

Friday night spent sampling those Wig & Pen beers I hadn't had the pleasure of before, and a couple I had.

Bulldog Best and Brewers IPA in particular were standouts.

Gotta love one of the bar staff for asking me if I'd had the IPA before and would I like to sample because it was less carbonated and more hoppy than most beers and was I sure I would like it :)

I took the sample even if it was under false pretences...

Saturday after some touristing a few brews at All Bar Nun and a drop in at Debacle.

Did swing by the Wig & Pen at around 11:30 and just as well the plan changed as it was still closed to the public!!!
You'd have been more ****** if the pub was shut all the time you were there and you'd missed the PU @ the Batz cave