My second brew!

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Hi all,

I have just started my second brew.

The recipe is as follows:

1.7kg Coopers Dark Ale kit
1.5kg Morgans Masters Caramalt
500gr Dark Brown sugar

1 x US05 Safale yeast sachet

Fermenting away at approx 19 degrees.

Hoping for a delicious dark ale :)

OG was 1.047.

Any thoughts?
Nice, you will end up with beer.

Good luck, and happy drinking!
warra48 said:
Nice, you will end up with beer.

Good luck, and happy drinking!
:icon_offtopic: (that was quick...)

I'm still hoping that one day you will revert back to your original profile pic, follicular challenged and all. Loved it, mainly because for years I mistook the dog for some big ass diving goggles.
I'm very new at this. Does using brown sugar instead of regular brewing sugar give caramel or toffee tones to the beer? Have you ever used it in beer before? I think I've heard of people using it in stouts.
I find brown sugar gives a litle caramelly sweetness and adds a litle colour. Its not a lot but you wouldn't want to add huge amounts just like any other sugar.
I like a cup or 2 in a pommy bitter/mild/pale but for a stout I'd rather treacle or molasses, suppose you could use the dark brown sugar to get a bit of the molasses effect.
I have heard brown sugar and treacle mentioned by pommy brewers as regular (though small) adjuncts.
Thanks for the info Yum, I'm definitely going to have to give brown sugar a shot at some point. Maybe in a dark ale or porter even. I take it you boil it for a while first or add it from a freshly opened package to maintain a clean brew.

Sorry I seem to be going OT here, let us know how it turns out Christov :)
Thanks for the feedback. I have used the Dark brown sugar specifically because it is mixed with molasses for that caramel sweetness and colour. Will post some picks of the finished product when ready!
So far on day 7 of fermentation gravity is sitting at 1.006, OG was 1.047, making the approx alcohol percentage 5.5% already. The K&E spreadsheet showed that bottled alcohol volume would be 5.6%. Is this anything to be concerned about?
Nope. Priming can add a little boost. What was the predicted final gravity?