My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

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just sitting here watching the cricket and they show rudd video of him doing his ferral act, this guy is an absolute embarrassment to our country,

he has a foul mouth and lacks people skills, why the hell would they think of bringing him back as PM.

Julia is not much of a leader either but at least she is not FERRAL.

I know a few ferals and they are nothing like Rudd. He in turn, is nothing like them.

I don't care for him much at all though.
This is the video where a Chinese interpreter is mangling his statements but that is not shown, yeah? He seemed pretty reserved to me.

EGADS! Politician swears in private life! Let's not judge him on whatever policies he may stand for (assuming this is what politicians do). Let's just do whatever TV tells us to do.
I'm not actually looking forward to Tony Abbott as PM, but this seems to make it a foregone conclusion. Unless of course Malcolm Turnbull seizes back the reigns.
that was filmed 2 year's ago..wonder which a/hole has decided to release it..people have to remember we only see what media is given or filmed or leaked to them
Odds on it was leaked by somebody in the ALP.
Julia will be fighting on 2 fronts as long as she's PM.
I don't understand why anyone thinks it is shocking that a polly swears. Most of us do. I know I do. Why should I give a toss if KRudd does?

How much of this leadership talk has been generated by the parties, and how much by the media? Leadership tensions sell papers.
The ABC dedicated the first ten minutes of the 7pm news to this last night. They seem to have decided that a challenge is on, and if it isn't, they'll make it happen.

As to the current situation... well we are stuffed. Labor is stuffed whether they keep Gillard or bring back Rudd. It's a shame, really. The thought of that religious crackpot on the other side of the table becoming our PM in a year and a bit scares me half to death.
And I'm sorry to say that is probably what will happen. Lots of people would like Turnbull to take the reigns, problem is most of those people are centre-left voters. Turnbull is the Liberal leader every Labor voter wants right now. If it wasn't for his upside-down politicking on the NBN, I'd be one of them.
The illusion of democracy is very important to keep people in the dark.

The theatre of politics aids with this illusion.
reminds me of that Peter Russel-Clarke video that's been going around. what a pisser :lol:
The illusion of democracy is very important to keep people in the dark.

The theatre of politics aids with this illusion.

I agree.
I would much prefer a system of totalitarian rule. At least you know where you stand.
I don't understand why anyone thinks it is shocking that a polly swears. Most of us do. I know I do. Why should I give a toss if KRudd does

for me it is the absolute hypocrisy of the situation. remember this is the same man the kicked dean mighell out of the labour party for using obscene language at a union meeting. stones, glass houses etc.. if the labour party wants to save face then they could do worse than electing simon crean as leader. he is an unashamed union and labour man in the old fashioned sense and would actually stand for something other than his own popularity and promotion, something that is missing in most other politicians these days.
This is the video where a Chinese interpreter is mangling his statements but that is not shown, yeah? He seemed pretty reserved to me.

EGADS! Politician swears in private life! Let's not judge him on whatever policies he may stand for (assuming this is what politicians do). Let's just do whatever TV tells us to do.

no its not that video so get your facts right,
he is still a feral, its not that he swears .its his attitude towards other people, he is an embarrassment to our country for his foul mouth attacks on people,
aka the air hostess that brought his dinner to him on the plane and the verbal attack on her because he thought his lunch wasnt hot enough.

what a ****** he is, and thats the feral in him.

no its not that video so get your facts right,
Did you see the question mark at the end of my first sentence? I was attempting to get my facts right. That was the only video mentioned in the online news on that day. I wasn't watching the cricket so I had to enquire as to which video you were talking about. Still somewhat in the dark.

I find that your unwillingness to answer a question directly and your desire to try to score mileage from some perceived discrepancy in my post both smack of arrogance and I hope the AHB caucus votes to relegate you to when they next convene!
"****** up the last word". Lol, That bit cracked me up.
Only people from SA (the land that time forgot) still use the word 'feral' hahaha.
Only people from SA (the land that time forgot) still use the word 'feral' hahaha.
The term "Feral"is used pretty widely in Tas to describe the human filth that I have to deal with all too often.

Rudd is certainly not one of them.
Not that I would vote for him or any other Labor people at state or federal level.
Both state and federal parties are willing to sell out Tasmanian industries in order to cling to power for as long as possible before the inevitable landslide arrives/
Benevolent dictator is the best form of government....until they go crazy with the power and stop being so benevolent.

The thought of that religious crackpot on the other side of the table becoming our PM in a year and a bit scares me half to death.

I want to know why Tony Abbott is seen as a religious crackpt when there is so many news reports, videos, etc of Kevin Rudd doing interviews outside his church. Don't really recall seeing Tony Abbott outside his church - perhaps he doesn't go to church. Yet Kevin Rudd isn't called a religious crackpot.

Or is it left over from the convict days with the Irish Catholic convicts and their Protestant Church of England masters/overseers/jailers. Sort of a don't trust the catholics as they are all crims and a bit mad.

Consider the two statements:
evin Rudd, was a catholic, now Church of England and goes to church is not a religious crackpot.
Tony Abbott, is a catholic, may or may not go to church and is a religious crackpot.

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