beer dog
Or it was in the daily telegraph
In all honesty I think that I put too much thought into the debate.
Uh huh. 220 billion in debt (240 billion spent in the last 5 years). Gonna take a fair bit of fiscal responsibility to reel that back in. Why wait until 2013.
Howard took over in '96 with 96 billion in debt and turned that around and got us 20 billion or so surplus and another 20 billion in the futures fund.
Sure he had to cut back on education, health, pensions etc... and you can hold it against him but it wouldn't have had to happen if Hawke and Keating didn't run down the country......the recession that we had to have. Now it's time for Abbott to do the same and try to get the country back on track. I'm glad Gillard won. She's going to get annihilated in the next election. I can hardly wait. If only the self-serving pissweak independents will call a no-confidence vote then we can get on with it.
I hope all you Labour voters have enjoyed the cream of the last 5 years. Lived it up. Lived it large. Spent your $900 on something nice and expendable. I put mine in my offset account, but then again I am a Tory. I started tightening my belt and putting all my spare money into my offset as soon as Kevin07 became PM as I knew that bad times may be coming. Smug bastard. Useless prick. Useless party.
It's time again for the Liberals to start reeling back the debt. It'll take a decade of belt tightening, and just after the debt is reeled in and there's a surplus, people will forget and vote the next big Labour thing in and the cycle will start again. Good vs Evil. Ying and Yang. Who gives a ****.
Not sure I agree with this. My experience is that people genuinely ARE that petty and selfish.They care because they are told to care.
What, the ~4% of "illegal" migrants who arrive by boat? As opposed to the ~96% who come by plane? Why anyone cares is beyond me.
He's a politician. THis is pretty much par for the course...I just remember this video Bob Brown posted on YouTube last election and he managed to warble his way through ~2-5 minutes without saying absolutely anything of any significance.
Not sure I agree with this. My experience is that people genuinely ARE that petty and selfish.
Not sure I agree with this. My experience is that people genuinely ARE that petty and selfish.
No I haven't but I have been looking for God Is Not Great through COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE AND NOT AT ALL ILLEGAL avenues for a little while now without success.Hey Bum, ever read Christopher Hitchens work? I like him. I think you would to.
I agree with all of this but it really just follows a big circle. Keating was the basically the only PM we had that came close to breaking this cycle but for his troubles he is remembered as a villain when, in actuality, his policies are what set us up to be one of the few countries not nearly decimated by the last 3 global economic crises. No politician will ever stay in power in this country if they take a "I know better than you do" attitude. I'm not sure why people don't actively want a person "better" than themselves in power - not necessarily saying Keating was that person, of course.The politicians should basically know better. They have an education. They know that it's not really an issue but also know it's an easy ground to 'play politics' on. They know that overall it's a politically smart move to do and something that will win them votes overall, which I guess shows that the majority of Australians really are ******* idiots.
I'm not sure why people don't actively want a person "better" than themselves in power .
which I guess shows that the majority of Australians really are ******* idiots.
Super Simian just one small point of order. The ones thagt arrive b y plane have papers..............the ones that arrive by boat, in thevast majority don't. Makes backgound checking nearly impossible. When the left put the arrive by plane argument forward they always forget the bit about the papers.
Because people fleeing political persecution are able to get passports.
The politicians should basically know better. They have an education. They know that it's not really an issue but also know it's an easy ground to 'play politics' on. They know that overall it's a politically smart move to do and something that will win them votes overall, which I guess shows that the majority of Australians really are ******* idiots.