My Keg Setup - need a review

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I've finally had enough of bottling so I've got a small fridge which can fit two kegs and a CO2 cylinder in it and I'm going to set them up. I've done a bit of reading in terms of what I need and the setup etc but I would like others to give my potential setup the once over to make sure I'm on the right track.
With that in mind see my diagram attached.
Could you guys have a look and see if it makes sense or there's any issues you see and in particular with reference to Part A, Part B, Part C on the diagram:
Part A : the check value - I'm thinking I can use a push on, in particular this one (
Part B : Two split the gas for two kegs can I use the following (
Part C : If I was to get MFL disconnects then I could use the following to connect the line to the disconnects (

Then the only thing I'd need clamps for would be to connect up the Pluto guns.

I'd appreciate some feedback on the above.



  • Keg_Setup1.jpg
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I've finally had enough of bottling so I've got a small fridge which can fit two kegs and a CO2 cylinder in it and I'm going to set them up. I've done a bit of reading in terms of what I need and the setup etc but I would like others to give my potential setup the once over to make sure I'm on the right track.
With that in mind see my diagram attached.
Could you guys have a look and see if it makes sense or there's any issues you see and in particular with reference to Part A, Part B, Part C on the diagram:
Part A : the check value - I'm thinking I can use a push on, in particular this one (
Part B : Two split the gas for two kegs can I use the following (
Part C : If I was to get MFL disconnects then I could use the following to connect the line to the disconnects (

Then the only thing I'd need clamps for would be to connect up the Pluto guns.

I'd appreciate some feedback on the above.

Look, all the things you've put up would be ok.
I don't use a check valve.
My splitter is just a stainless tee.
I'm happy with barbed fittings for my serving fridge although mfl are useful.
SS clamps are not a negative, so not sure why you want to eliminate them.
Anyway - many ways to skin a cat.
Thanks for the replies.
My question here is a genuine one ie, I don’t mean it to sound like I’m being sarcastic but why would I spend $38 on this gas manifold when I can get a tee section for a few dollars and the check valve I originally suggested for $10?
It’s also available on Keg King and in stock at $23 but it’s still $10 more than I need to spend if I go with my original suggestion.
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Thanks for the replies.
My question here is a genuine one ie, I don’t mean it to sound like I’m being sarcastic but why would I spend $38 on this gas manifold when I can get a tee section for a few dollars and the check valve I originally suggested for $10?
Control over individual gas lines, you can close them off as you need (and there is sometimes a need).

Yeah but $16 versus $38 and then ridiculous shipping rates thrown on top of that.. yeah, nah.
I have a brand new Mustang for sale, only $12. It's not in stock though. See the problem there?
Support our small businesses such as Hoppy Days, Brewman, Clever Brewing, Craftbrewer, National Home Brew, New Era. There's much more than just KegLand in Australia.
Well with a manifold you have better control (individual flow/on/off) and paying $16 for essentially an all-in-one unit is, IMHO, better than $13 on separate bits - but hey, if you like what you've put together then go for it! :)
I have a brand new Mustang for sale, only $12. It's not in stock though. See the problem there?
Can you let me know when your Mustang is back in stock, I'm not in any h

Support our small businesses such as Hoppy Days, Brewman, Clever Brewing, Craftbrewer, National Home Brew, New Era.
Actually, I do, I shop frequently from my LHBS and have purchased from nearly all of those that you have mentioned above.. but continue to judge as you please..
No judgement was made, the point however is that there are alternate suppliers, don't forget them when suggesting sources of gear. We need those LHBS's and they rely to some degree on recommendations like yours being made with them in mind.
Would also suggest paying the bit extra to get a manifold
Thanks for the comments/suggestions on the manifold, yes makes sense with the control for each individual gas line.
My 2Cents.
Gas bottle outside the fridge. The sides of modern fridges normally don't have lines in them the backs do.
Small test hole, 2mm, then make it bigger to fit grommets and a line then silicon. One way valve outside.
Crimped Tee pieces are fine inside. Push fittings can leak and you'll never know till you're out of gas.
Why have a manifold for 2 kegs. I don't see a reason.
My 2Cents.
Gas bottle outside the fridge. The sides of modern fridges normally don't have lines in them the backs do.
Small test hole, 2mm, then make it bigger to fit grommets and a line then silicon. One way valve outside.
Crimped Tee pieces are fine inside. Push fittings can leak and you'll never know till you're out of gas.
Why have a manifold for 2 kegs. I don't see a reason.

Why do you suggest the CO2 goes outside the fridge?
Re the manifold - don't I need something to take the gas from the cylinder into two separate kegs, hence a splitter/manifold?
Cos you only need to cool the beer not the gas. Also more room for beer.
A splitter is fine with crimp fittings not push fit. You can't tell if they are leaking.
I have a 4 way going to a 3 way so 4 kegs.
I started with pluto guns but now use one external tap.
The door is only opened to change to another keg or to add a new beer.
Keeps the cold inside so it's easier on an old fridge. Mine cost $25.
You can't tell if they are leaking.
You can always tell if your gas line system is leaking; simply set your regulator to a desired pressure, disconnect any gas disconnects from their kegs, and close the valve on your gas bottle. Wait a few hours. The gauges on the gas bottle's regulator should not change over this period of time - if it does, there's a leak.
How do you set a pressure when there's a leak. That makes no sense.
End cut pliers and crimp connectors, job done.
Pressure leaks don't present themselves immediately, that's why they are so difficult to detect. Set a regulator to, say 80kPa, and close the gas bottle. If the regulator reads lower than 80kPA after 12hrs or so then CO2 has escaped the lines, either by achieving equilibrium with a keg (which is why I suggest disconnecting the gas from any connected kegs first).. or a leak.
I've finally had enough of bottling so I've got a small fridge which can fit two kegs and a CO2 cylinder in it and I'm going to set them up. I've done a bit of reading in terms of what I need and the setup etc but I would like others to give my potential setup the once over to make sure I'm on the right track.
With that in mind see my diagram attached.
Could you guys have a look and see if it makes sense or there's any issues you see and in particular with reference to Part A, Part B, Part C on the diagram:
Part A : the check value - I'm thinking I can use a push on, in particular this one (
Part B : Two split the gas for two kegs can I use the following (
Part C : If I was to get MFL disconnects then I could use the following to connect the line to the disconnects (

Then the only thing I'd need clamps for would be to connect up the Pluto guns.

I'd appreciate some feedback on the above.

looks great to me , but on subject of manifold , i purchased one from a aquarium shop and paid four dollars for it , works fine no leaks etc . *many roads lead to Rome but some are paved with rocks !* lol
Cos you only need to cool the beer not the gas. Also more room for beer.

The down side is that in making ahle for the gas line you reduce the insulation properties of the fridge so it will need to run more often.

Keeping your bottle in the fridge replaces air that spills out when you open the fridge, with a lump of cold metal that helps keep the temperature more consistent in the fridge.

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