My 3rd Brew

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Just thought I would share my 3rd brew recipe...
1.7kg Can kit of Brigalow Munich Lager
1.5kg Can of Cooper's Light Malt Extract(the best before on the can was sometime in '05, didn't want to throw it out and have read it should be still ok but will probably just be a fair bit darker in colour)
250g LDM
250g Dex.
Filled to 25L S.G. 1042

I pitched the yeast starter I made last night and she was bubbling away nicely this morning, has a very fine pure white krausen.

This is what I love about homebrewing...making your own recipes, etc. I am so hooked on this now :beerbang:
You enjoy recipe formulation? Wait till you start brewing AG.
As soon as I can get the necessary equip. I will move to partials then more equip. then all grain...
Update: I bottled this nearly 4 weeks ago, primed with Dex. I have tried a few bottles...taking a bit of time to carb. up, aimed for around 2.7 Carb. way too thin for me, just doesn't have the body I like. It's very much come out like a megaswill...Oh well, I'll take it with me for Xmas day :rolleyes:
I have no expectations of my brewing abilities/receipe formulation until I have been brewing for at least 2 yrs...I am just simply experimenting so I can get a good feel for all the factors...taste/aroma/carbonation and how to get what I like from these 3 factors.
Sorry for being so abrupt, but that recipe was calling for a thin beer. I was surprised that you were apparently so surprised at its thinness. Cortez has offerred some sound suggestions. But if you really want control of things like body and BU:GU turn to the darkside.
A small amount of steeped grains, a hop teabag or 2, and a decent yeast and you're already on your way to more flavour, maltaddict.
Nothing wrong with taking small steps too. It's all fun!
Sorry for being so abrupt, but that recipe was calling for a thin beer. I was surprised that you were apparently so surprised at its thinness. Cortez has offerred some sound suggestions. But if you really want control of things like body and BU:GU turn to the darkside.

Hey, no worries PostModern. Although it was only my 3rd brew so I really didn't know it would have come out as thin as that but as I said it's all notched up to experience. ;)
Try less volume next time, as suggested. 22-23L would be better IMO - otherwise you are effectively watering down your beer.
Just an update on how this is coming along...
Cracked a bottle last night and it is coming along nicely now. The watery, thinish taste is subsiding and it is quite drinkable now.

I used 'My' sediment filter for this too.


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