My 2nd Brew

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I shoulda said before,
I tried my Sparkling Ale after 2 weeks as I do with all my beers so that I can see how they are progressing, and it wasn't very nice, hard to drink.
Funny what a week can make.
Going to save as much as I can for Christmas, that and the Hefeweizen I bottled today (60x 740ml bottles) I think should be enough...maybe... :p
awesome! ill let mine condition a further 2 weeks. but then in 2 weeks i have anual leave from work for 2 weeks!! good timing i think! could get dangerous. 23 lt of 6.5% sparkling and nothing to do for 2 weeks......

Sounds like a good couple of weeks coming up! :icon_drunk: :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:
a messy couple weeks :icon_drunk:

im meant to be leaving for America in a month and i have 40 bottles of my first brew sitting there. I was meant to be bottling the second brew tonight but i cant find the scales!!!!! worst... so that would make it 100 beers in a month...emphasis quote above
It will still be beer when you get back.
If it was a kit it should just be becoming drinkable by then.


Have fun!
If your bottling into glass, they should last a year just fine.

I have found with PET bottles that after a year they are beginning to go flat due to the small amount of air that leaches through the plastic.

Time to start drinking I think....

i cant see this beer lasting too long. tastes too good already!!



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