Mouldy Beer Filter - Help, Please.

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I just went to filter/keg a pilsner and I noticed that there are two smallish mould spots on the filter. (I must've stored the filter before it completely dried)

My options (as I see them) are -
1) 30 min in Napisan and a dose of no rinse sanitiser
2) 1+ days of soaking in Napisan before using no rinse santiser
3) Order a new filter :(
4) ???

Any idea what option I need to proceed with?
I had a similar problem with 1 of my filters like that and I cut the sucker out with a scaple knife it turned out ok with no probs
i had the same thing happen

i used a weak napisan solution overnight
then a good rinse and some sanitiser
Thanks guys.

Tangent - Did the overnight soak remove the mould spots or did you just assume that the soak killed off any potentially harmful stuff?
made it look like new. no spot, fresh white colour again.
made it look like new. no spot, fresh white colour again.

I'd say you were lucky there. I had the same problem and several attempts with various cleaning solutions could not move move said mouldy spots (there were very ingrained however) so into the bin she went.
bummer! i think i got onto mine pretty quickly.
if you've run it through a clean and a sanitise, who cares if it's got a spot on it?
if anything can live past an orthophos sanitiser, i concede :)
FYI - It took 30 hours for the 3 minor mould spots to dissappear.

Thanks again for the advice.