Morgans Lager

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Im going to make my first non Coopers kit today and i have chosen Morgans Blue Mountain Lager due to good things i have read about it on here! :icon_cheers:
Im looking for a beer between 5 and 5.5% Alc
I love Stella.........
The ingredients i have atm are........

Can of Blue Mountans Lager

can on Morgans Master Extra Pale Malt Extract

Morgans finishing hops infusion brew bag Hallertau

15g brew cellar European Lager Yeast

Can anyone suggest anything else i should add to it such as LDM or Dex or anything else?
a bit light on if you want 5-5.5 %, its 4.2 without primer as is, 400g Dex will bring it up to 5.1 without priming. the can LLME is 1.5kg is it?, I havent used morgans.
have you got the Kit and extract beer designer spreadsheet ? handy for working out ABV.
Im going to make my first non Coopers kit today and i have chosen Morgans Blue Mountain Lager due to good things i have read about it on here! :icon_cheers:
Im looking for a beer between 5 and 5.5% Alc
I love Stella.........
The ingredients i have atm are........

Can of Blue Mountans Lager

can on Morgans Master Extra Pale Malt Extract

Morgans finishing hops infusion brew bag Hallertau

15g brew cellar European Lager Yeast

Can anyone suggest anything else i should add to it such as LDM or Dex or anything else?


Here's a recipe that I put down a few weeks ago, it's similar to yours, but comes out at 4.8% (with bottle priming).

1.7kg Blue Mount Lager, 500g Dex, 500g LDM, 250g Corn Syrup, 25g Hallertau (steeped for 10 min in 300ml boild water) and S-23 Western European Yeast 11g... Yeast rehydrated.

Carboy :icon_cheers:
Im going to make my first non Coopers kit today and i have chosen Morgans Blue Mountain Lager due to good things i have read about it on here! :icon_cheers:
Im looking for a beer between 5 and 5.5% Alc
I love Stella.........
The ingredients i have atm are........

Can of Blue Mountans Lager

can on Morgans Master Extra Pale Malt Extract

Morgans finishing hops infusion brew bag Hallertau

15g brew cellar European Lager Yeast

Can anyone suggest anything else i should add to it such as LDM or Dex or anything else?

Morgans BML Morgans Master Blend Lager 1kg 500g DME 200g Dex 200 Corn Syrup (powdered) Hallertau 15g boiling W-34/40
OG 1046 24 litres
the Malt Extract is 1.5kg.
So if i add say another 350g of DEX then with priming it should be about 5% right?
Or do you guys think i should use somthing other then DEX like LDM?
the Malx Extract is 1.5kg.
So if i add say another 350g of DEX then with priming it should be about 5% right?
Or do you guys think i should use somthing other then DEX like LDM?

IMHO I would not add any more dex or LDME. Your recipe looks good... Leave it as is. By my calculations a 1.7kg kit and a 1.5kg malt chould come out to about 5%... It could be a little sweet (depending on your tastes) due to a high FG but adding more dex will not fix that.
I'd use the dex, I find too much DME LME and it tastes too malty, for my taste anyway.
I can't find the link to that K&K calc so I PM'd it to you, it's quite good. Cheers
I was thinking of maybe adding about 200 or 250g of dex to get it to about 5.5% that will not make it sweeter will it?
Don't forget that if you are priming bottles this will add another 0.5% alc or so..
Ok all done!!!
I did it with all my original ingredients pluss i put in 300g of dex! so im guessing with bottel priming it will be near 6%???
I made it to 23L
My OG was one marking under the 50?????
Im not to good with taking reading yet! i just make sure the final reading stays the same over three days so i dont have exploading bottles!
Ok all done!!!
I did it with all my original ingredients pluss i put in 300g of dex! so im guessing with bottel priming it will be near 6%???
I made it to 23L
My OG was one marking under the 50?????
Im not to good with taking reading yet! i just make sure the final reading stays the same over three days so i dont have exploading bottles!

Sorry, I'm a bit late. I was recently looking into Morgan's products for extra fermentables and came across their Master Malt beer enhancers. From research I found that they were 100% malted Barley. From everything I have read (and experienced), you should stay away from using sugar/dex to up the AC, as in most cases, it lightens the body and adds certain flavours that are generally not wanted (i've gotten a lot of apple and orange flavours from using the "prescribed" ammount. I will ALWAYS use malts to enhance my brews now, and steeped, cracked, spewcialty grains to add character that you CANNOT get from kits. Dave
Sugar and dex have their place. There are arguments that the apple flavour sometimes blamed on sucrose are actually due to ferment temps. It depends a lot on how you use them and why you use them. Belgian beers for example often use simple sugars and I'm yet to meet one that reminds me of an apple.

I'm not mr expert pants but someone like BribieG might offer clearer information.

Certainly agree on the use of specialty grains to increase flavour and body though. 50 % improvement and more.
yeah Aus,

lookin on from the sideline - if thats a 1.5 kg can of extract - id say yr brew might be a bit sweet.
try 15 min boil with about 15g of yr hallertau

fox man
Not wanting to have a go at anyone saying the opposite but I don't reckon you'll have a prob with it being too sweet. Looking at your recipe and listening to all the good reports on that kit I reckon you'll have a cracker on your hands as long as you keep your temps under control.

Let us know how it turns out!
I did it adding 300g of Dex, was 12 days in the fermenter, sat around 14c most of the time I bottled it last sat. Ill give one a taste after two weeks. Im looking foward to it!
Ok an update....
I just cracked a bottle today to give it a taste!
Im happy it did not turn out sweet! Im also very happy about how hoppy it is! first time i have added hops to a home brew and i love the resaults! Its only been bottled for three weeks and looks like it will turn out to be one of my best beers if not the best!!! Only negitive i have with it atm is it only held its head for a min or two. but i think thats due to its young age, its also a strong one!,
Any one who has not done the Blue Mtns Lager I highly recomend you do give it a crack and use a real Lager yeast!
My recpie was....

Can of Blue Mountans Lager

can on Morgans Master Extra Pale Malt Extract

Morgans finishing hops infusion brew bag Hallertau

300g Coopers Dex

15g brew cellar European Lager Yeast
That's awesome news, AussieJosh!

Nothing better than your own beer, hey?
Put down a Blue mountain goat today :)

Smells real nice.

1 Can
1 kg LDME
.5 Brewcraft no15 malt enhancer
Morgans lager yeast

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