Mini Cubes

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Hi, My brew day involves 1 Kg crystal in about 8 L water for about 40 mins @ around 60 C. This sweet water is transferred to two other pots to which 1 Kg dry malt has been added (for hops utilization) and pots topped to about 6 L each.. Hops are added for two brews in each pot on boiling, later additions are also added. Liquid left after boil, about 2L / pot is divided in evenly into 4 fermenters with the rest of dry malt etc already added. Water and yeast is added to the fermenters and into the fermenting fridges the go. Works well 4 brews five kegs one cook up.

I was thinking if I doubled everything again I could do what I do and put the remainder (whilst extremely hot) into 4 strong 2 L plastic bottles, squeeze out excess air and screw the lids tight . In effect I would have 4 mini no chill cubes waiting for malt, water and yeast. Anyone tried similar ?

Cheers Tom

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