And my yard is now dog proof - after 60ish AGs i have managed to spread the hops from the kettle out to every corner on my yard. I dare the bastards to **** on my lawn.....
oh you do, do you? :lol:

And my yard is now dog proof - after 60ish AGs i have managed to spread the hops from the kettle out to every corner on my yard. I dare the bastards to **** on my lawn.....
Staggalee that is horrible!
I've had a few mice in my shed lately, i trap them and just when i think i've got them all, i see another couple.
You'd think seeing their buddies with thier necks snapped would deter them but they just climb over the top and finish off the cheese!
They are adaptive, tricky little bastards, if they didn't eat my grain i'd admire them.
You should use the enviromental traps, about $10 from produce stores.
I got 12 mice in the one trap in the bird aviary, once they go in, they can`t get out.
Why dont you use large old fashioned rubbish bins bins from bunnings to put your sacks in? Nothing will get in there.
I use these and had no problems, just left a little bag of grain out by accident and then noticed poo and grain everywhere. Im glad I knabbed them just as they moved in. Also scattering some cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil. Apparently the scent is too strong and rodents hate it so it has the same effect as snake poo.
Doing a storage drum search on Ebay usually turns up some good bargains for those. I've got two 100's and they easily fit 2 sacks, so 80's and 40's are probably ideal.Where did you get those ? Cheers
We've recently had an infestation of mice in the shed where I store grain/brew. I use large plastic boxes with clip on lids for my grain. I had one with a big crack in the lid some time ago and I decided I'd better tape it up. I'm glad I did so because I found mouse dropping and dried urine all over the box lids. Also droppings in my urn and even between the rollers of my mill! They must have somehow climbed up onto the mill/hopper! Fortunately no mice in the grain. I think I've got them all now but I'll be keeping traps out.
I still need to have a good clean of the whole brewery. I also note that all of a sudden the rollers on my mill have rust on them. Could mice have urinated on the mill, causing rust to quickly appear? Looks like I'll have to get a wire brush to the rollers and run some old grain through the mill to clean it up. Anyone else got any suggestions for cleaning the mill?
One of the best ways to get rodents in your grain is to dump your spent malt outside in the garden/compost and breed up the population.
One of the best ways to get rodents in your grain is to dump your spent malt outside in the garden/compost and breed up the population.