Metallic Flavour Through Beers

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Phlegm TB
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About 3 months ago, I did three brews. Two different types of brew kits (soverign gold from ballarat, and a coopers kit)
They were brewed for 2 weeks, in two different places (one inside, 2 outside)
All three turned to shit, having a VERY strong mettalic odour and flavour. They are undrinkable...

I took one of them to Brewcraft, and one of the guys there tasted it, and couldn't quite figure out why it had gone off.
Eventually, he decided it was the detergent I was using (morning fresh) So i bought some BrewClean, and used that.
A month ago, I made another brew, and tasted it yesterday. Whilst not as strong, there was still a flavour and smell about it reminding me of the old beers.

Right now, I have one brewing. While taking its SG reading, I could smell the flavour, and taste it when I drank some.

This is after 2 strong washes with brewclean, and 2 steralisations for each brew. (One with coopers granules, one with brewshield for each brew)

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why this is happening...

My money is it's coming from old kits. I would buy and try a fresh wort kit.
Would I get 5 old tins in a row? One from Brewcraft, two from Coles and 2 from Ballarat. Seems a bit unlikely...
I know that tast, it's like when you were a kid & you put money in your mouth. I have brewed beer like that useing unfillterd bore water. But in your case I'm not sure, what is your water source?
I've heard that certain types of infections can also produce such flavours, could possibly explain why it is common across different kits. I assume you're using the yeast that comes with the kit, what temp are you fermenting at?

My money is it's coming from old kits. I would buy and try a fresh wort kit.

Ballarat HBS has a pretty good turnover from what I have seen so I dont think any old kits would come from there. Think again eh, and dont just slam kit beers out of hand

What type of pot are you using to boil/heat in. An iron pot or enamelware that is chipped can lead to metallic taste according to homebrewing for dummies (which is a good book for me :)
try different water source...and try a different ferementer (don't really know but some bacteria and other nasties won't go away easily)
When I brewed 3 months ago, it was at 22degrees. Now I'm brewing at around 17 or 16.
I use a stainless steel pot..

I'm going to try a mate's fermenter, see if it does any different.
Try another sanitiser.

There's some really good ones out there such as Starsan, Iodopher and OneShot.
All only need about 1ml or so per litre and are non rinse.

You make no mention of boiling in your original post but Mantis brought it up.
Are you boiling your kits? If so, why?

Also, I wouldn't bother with the Coopers granules. You need to rinse the buggery out of it
and it's really just a waste of time if your using one of the sanitisers I mentioned above.
I had similar thing ages ago when I did a mexican - kit.

And all I could think of after the fact was it was before i knew about light strike [Sun Exposure]

Is your fementer/s in total shade - the whole day?


I hope you sort it out bud.
I also spray with a brewcraft sanitiser after coopers ones. Brewshield - hydrogen peroxide and silver ions, but if I see those other sterilisers around I'll pick one up.

Light strike wouldn't be the problem, because 3 of the 5 brews have been inside where there is no sun light (under tables, behind walls, etc)

I boil water to make my kit. To dissolve the malts/sugars. Then I add the can to the hot water.
Are you bottling?

When I first started brewing I used to get a metallic taste from my bottles (most not all), then when I sanitised the caps and boiled the priming sugar for 10 minutes that flavour went. I think it mighta been a very small infection from the caps and/or the sugar I used.

Just boil/sanitise everything.
Could be oxidisation? Doubt it'd occur in such a short space of time in the bottle though.
I'd say it might have something to do with poor quality yeast.
I also spray with a brewcraft sanitiser after coopers ones.
You really need to rinse that Coopers Sodium Percarbonate really, really well.
Are you doing that or are you just spraying the brewcraft stuff over the top of it?

You can find Iodopher at some of the site sponsers such as Grain & Grape and ESB.
It's $6.95 for a 250ml bottle from Grain & Grape and it's also reusable.
At 1ml per litre I usually don't bother and just make up a fresh batch for next time.
I usually make up two litres with 2ml of Iodopher and splash that around the fermenter.

A brewed today and used Starsan. You can't go wrong with that either but it is more expensive.
It froths up a whole lot so it gets all over the fermenter and is also non rinse and reusable.
Craftbrewer sells it.
Ill have a look at those other sterilisers. I will stop using the coppers one and just stick with the brewcraft one for now, until i get to a shop that sells the other ones.

I also washed with brewclean twice, and used a Sodium Metabisulphate on it for the 2nd time. Hopefully that will get rid of any residual crap.

I know its not a problem with the bottles, because the smell is strong in the fermenter while brewing.
My money is on metabisulphate residue, only because I believe I had the same issue and another forum member gave me some hints like above.

I changed to cleaning with no name napisan, and sterilising with iodophor, and the metallic taste has disappeared.
My money is on metabisulphate residue, only because I believe I had the same issue and another forum member gave me some hints like above.

I changed to cleaning with no name napisan, and sterilising with iodophor, and the metallic taste has disappeared.

i had that same problem a couple of years back.i had 3 brews in a row taste like metal,sharp lingering taste,it was horrible.i chucked out my fermenter,airlock.and tap,bought new stuff a nd that was it,never had that problem again,once you get a bacterial infection in your fermenter you can blast it with a bomb but it will still be there,it gets into the plastic fermenter and you cant kill it.i know its a few dollars for a new fermenter but at least you start clean and you dont waste 5 good brews.
get the new gear and make sure you clean your fermenter straight away once you empty it,use a soft cloth to clean it and as the other guys said,get a descent sanitiser and soak everything in contact with your brew,stirring spoon,tops ,bottles,i even spray my can opener and around the lids of my extract cans before i open them.OVERKILL,maybe.but i dont get infections anymore..METABISULPHATE should be banned,we use it in our butcher shops for preserving meat,we use 35 ml in a heap of meat and you can still smell it,its absolute crap for sanitising beer equipment,hope you get it fixed because its a bugger losing your beer and also the time it takes
I had the same problem with my first ever brews.
Kit can be woeful and also the metallic flavour comes from oxidisation and the thinness of the kit.
Adding only dextrose or white sugar give the beer a very tinny taste.
A bit like Fosters out of a can.
Grain and grape has some great tips/ recipes for beginner and look in article to improve your beer.

Boil you kit for ten minutes add Maltextract and boil some hop instead.
3/4 hour extra work youi wont regret.

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