Merry Christmas to everyone
Hope the silly season treats you well, and you get plenty of chances to get into some good beers. I know I will.
All the best
Merry Christmas to all home brewers and their often long suffering/forgiving families.
The in-laws are over tomorrow and they enjoy my home brew. My 94 yo father-in-law actual was making beer with extract and hops back in the 1960's and 70's (as well as great wine) and is one of the reasons I got into homebrewing. He just enjoy a glass or three of my bitters these days.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas. :beer:
Merry Xmas to all brewers!!!!
Be sure to have a beer for me, as i'm working the arvo shifty at work and then the early shift boxing day, so no alcohol for me
May santa bring you all the brewing gadgets you desire, and ensure you have eaten at least half your body weight in meat alone!!!!
to all,ahb;ers merry christmas and a happy new year.thank you all for your input on this site,be happy,be safe,and have a good one..cheers..spog.. :beer:
Merry Christmas and a happy, safe new year to all, and remember, if you have had a few drinks, catch a cab, or stay off the roads completely, they are full of idiots this time of year!
All: here's to you and your families - have a safe and relaxing holiday, and may there always be a perfectly balanced, carbonated beverage of your own (or some other like-minded individuals) manufacture at call in the year to come.