Mercury Cider, A Sleeping Giant Awaketh

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Suddenly Brisbane is being hit with posters all over the place for Mercury Cider. Fosters have obviously decided to do something with the brand. I really love it, particularly the medium sweet, that to me isn't too sweet but just perfect balance of apple flavour and alcohol. At 5.5% alcohol and cheaper than most beers it's a good quaffer.

The ads include "Crafted since 1911, advertised since last week" and "Over 90 years of Under-appreciation".
I hope they aren't going to water it down and make it cheap and nasty like Strongbow. :unsure:

Edit: I would imagine this is all in response to Lion's new cider, 5-something-or-other. Now all we need is Mercury Pure :angry:
I remember buying a few sixxers of Mercury when I was at uni, decent stuff from what I can remember. I think I usually got the dry one...or whatever was in the green labelled bottle. Either way, good to see them giving it a bit of publicity.

Cheers - boingk
Edit: I would imagine this is all in response to Lion's new cider, 5-something-or-other.

I don't mind a box of cider every now and again .. The bloke at the bottlo gave me a 4 pack of this too get me interested .. :icon_vomit: .. When I offerd too give hime 2 back the next time I went in he said he was haveing problems getting rid of the 6 or so boxs he had left and wont be getting any more in ... HaHa .. bloody aweful stuff ... :icon_vomit:

Mercury cider is a favorite of mine as well, used to drink it alot when I wasn't brewing as it was cheap and pretty damn good. I think they're making the advertising push as they've always been a fairly popular brand with people who drink alot of/go looking for cider, but they're not super well known. Everyone I know who's given mercury a go said they prefered it over strongbow :D I beleive it's 100% tasmanian apples, as opposed to strongbow which has pear juice in it as well. Solid


it will be their marketing campaign against tooheys '5 seeds' cider. weird tv advert on atm with neolithic looking humans v crows/ravens in a battle for apples. i bet it tastes like crap.

cant say im a commercial cider fan.

woopes just re-read OP and saw bribie's edit referance about tooheys cider. my bad
Many thanks BribieG for the heads up, I haven't seen the posters but Spousie has been on my case to get her some cider or make a batch or two just for her. The commonly- available ciders haven't enthused me much either, so I had planned to get some bulk juice direct from a Granite Belt grower (friend of a friend) but just haven't got around to it, so maybe we'll give this one a whirl in the interim, particularly if you say it passes muster.

Woodpecker is another cider I'd love to see on the shelves again. We sank gallons of it when I was a lad, so really only for old time's sake, although it is not a bad drop IMO. The last time I saw it was about a decade ago when I was in Gympie for a few days with work, we lobbed through a bottle shop to grab a few tubes and saw it there so with glee we grabbed a case and proceeded to get plastered back at the digs, the boss was not particularly happy that we were all bleary- eyed the next day. Sigh... happy days...

I gave the 5 seeds cider a go, was definately not a fan. It's kind of like they took a halfway decent cider and cut it back significantly with water and sugar. Definately not worth my money. It's a shame if cider making goes the way of standard beers, we've done OK over here up to date (with mercury being pretty good, strongbow being acceptable and the three oaks being damn good).
I always have Mercury "draught", which I'm guessing is what BribieG is drinking, in the fridge. Missus loves it. I love it and sometimes its just nice to have a commercial cider rather than a "homebrew" cider. The other thing is that I dont bottle pretty much at all so a commercial cider is good to have when going to parties etc. The other bonus is most people look at it and turn their noses up so I dont have to worry about soneone stooging my drinks!

Mercury Black is fantastic when its chilled right down cold. But as it warms up it gets a distinct "alcohol" type flavour. But it is about 8.5% from memory and a sixer of that stuff will get me a little wobbly! Unfortunately its not available outside of Taswegia so I keep my under close guard!