Melbourne Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early December

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Just a bump on my offer on a 1/4 split of Caramunich I

paying approx $2.50/kg instead of $6/kg.... can't say no to that!
1. Manticle: 1 x Simpsons Marris, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise, 1 x Dingemans Pilsner, 1 x Weyerman Vienna, 1 x Weyerman Munich I, 1 x simpsons heritage Crystal.
2. Pennywise: Couple of bags & dependant on date as I may be away
3. Lecterfan - 1xJW Pils, 1xSimpsons Golden Promise
4. Maple - 1 x JW Pils, 1 x JW Ale, 1 x Briess Pale, 1 x Briess Victory, 1 x Crisp Pale
5. Mxd - (may need somene to pick up for me)
6. Quintrex - 1 x simpsons MO 1 x JW Wheat
7. Chadjaja - Prob some spec and a bag or two of base.
8. Lespaul - probably 4 bags, likely 3 base and 1 spec
9. Vitalstatistix - see whats going, most prob up for spec splits
10. Polar Beer: 1-2 base
11. peakydh - 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise
12. alan79: 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Wey Pils
13. HoppinMad: 1 x Golden Promise (halvies with Cocko), 1 x Caramunich II (1/4s with Cocko, Chadjaja, + nibbo), 1 x Caramunich I (1/4s with Brenthor & ....)
14. Husky: Split a bag of light crystal with someone?
15. Gavin L: 1x continental pilsner, 1x wheat, 1x munich, 1x rye
16. Mario: 1 x JW Pils 1 x Simpson golden promise
7. David72 - Prob 2 bags, Pils & TF
18. Hammo7 - 2 bags base, 1 spec
19. Chalky - 1x JW Trad Ale, 1x JW Wheat, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch, 1x Simpsons Pale Crystal
20. JayAhhDee - 2 bags base malt
21. Kleiny - something??
22. yum yum yum - 1 bag pils
23. Darkman- 1x Simpsons MO, 1x Best Pils
24. CosmicBertie - Wey Bohemian Pilsner and Simpson MO, + 1/4 Simpsons heritage Crystal with Manticle et al.
25. Brewing_Brad - 2 bags base
26. Shan0066- I'm in for a couple
27. Hexman - 1x JW ale, 1x JW Pils
28. Cocko - 2x JW ALE, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch Malt
29. Fourstar - Base and some spec.
30. Mister Wilson - few bags of base and some spec
31. akroplane1- 2x JW pilsner. 1xJW trad ale. 1x JW wheat malt
32. Acasta - ? x Base, dingemans biscuit (split with manticle, Brenthor), Wheat malt (looking for split)
33. marksfish- a few bags of base
34. bullsneck - 1 x Wey Munich I
35. Don Mateo - 2-4 bags
36. Muscovy - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna. (1 x JW Crystal- splitting half with Hendog88)
37. super_simian - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna
38. Rook - 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x Wey Pilsner
40.Fergthebrewer - I'm in for a couple plus some guys at Westgate...i'll get back to you
41.Hendog88 - JW trad ale x 1, BM pale ale x 1.
42.leachim - so far 1 x Wey wheat ,1x Crisp pale .
43.StraussyStrauss- Wey pils, Wey BoPils
44.Rich_46 - 2 x JW PILS,2x JW ALE,1x JW WHEAT
45.Bulp 1 x Wey bo pils,1 x Wey munich , 1x Wey Wheat, 2 x Simpsons GP
46.Nibbo - 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x Best Vienna

1/4 bag Caramunich I split.... 2 more needed (@~$2.50/kg)
Anyone like to split a bag of Wheat Malt??? Come in Spinner...
1. Manticle: 1 x Simpsons Marris, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise, 1 x Dingemans Pilsner, 1 x Weyerman Vienna, 1 x Weyerman Munich I, 1 x simpsons heritage Crystal.
2. Pennywise: Couple of bags & dependant on date as I may be away
3. Lecterfan - 1xJW Pils, 1xSimpsons Golden Promise
4. Maple - 1 x JW Pils, 1 x JW Ale, 1 x Briess Pale, 1 x Briess Victory, 1 x Crisp Pale
5. Mxd - (may need somene to pick up for me)
6. Quintrex - 1 x simpsons MO 1 x JW Wheat
7. Chadjaja - Prob some spec and a bag or two of base.
8. Lespaul - probably 4 bags, likely 3 base and 1 spec
9. Vitalstatistix - see whats going, most prob up for spec splits
10. Polar Beer: 1-2 base
11. peakydh - 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise
12. alan79: 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Wey Pils
13. HoppinMad: 1 x Golden Promise (halvies with Cocko), 1 x Caramunich II (1/4s with Cocko, Chadjaja, + nibbo), 1 x Caramunich I (1/4s with Brenthor, Stewe + hexman)
14. Husky: Split a bag of light crystal with someone?
15. Gavin L: 1x continental pilsner, 1x wheat, 1x munich, 1x rye
16. Mario: 1 x JW Pils 1 x Simpson golden promise
7. David72 - Prob 2 bags, Pils & TF
18. Hammo7 - 2 bags base, 1 spec
19. Chalky - 1x JW Trad Ale, 1x JW Wheat, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch, 1x Simpsons Pale Crystal
20. JayAhhDee - 2 bags base malt
21. Kleiny - something??
22. yum yum yum - 1 bag pils
23. Darkman- 1x Simpsons MO, 1x Best Pils
24. CosmicBertie - Wey Bohemian Pilsner and Simpson MO, + 1/4 Simpsons heritage Crystal with Manticle et al.
25. Brewing_Brad - 2 bags base
26. Shan0066- I'm in for a couple
27. Hexman - 1x JW ale, 1x JW Pils
28. Cocko - 2x JW ALE, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch Malt
29. Fourstar - Base and some spec.
30. Mister Wilson - few bags of base and some spec
31. akroplane1- 2x JW pilsner. 1xJW trad ale. 1x JW wheat malt
32. Acasta - ? x Base, dingemans biscuit (split with manticle, Brenthor), Wheat malt (looking for split)
33. marksfish- a few bags of base
34. bullsneck - 1 x Wey Munich I
35. Don Mateo - 2-4 bags
36. Muscovy - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna. (1 x JW Crystal- splitting half with Hendog88)
37. super_simian - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna
38. Rook - 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x Wey Pilsner
40.Fergthebrewer - I'm in for a couple plus some guys at Westgate...i'll get back to you
41.Hendog88 - JW trad ale x 1, BM pale ale x 1.
42.leachim - so far 1 x Wey wheat ,1x Crisp pale .
43.StraussyStrauss- Wey pils, Wey BoPils
44.Rich_46 - 2 x JW PILS,2x JW ALE,1x JW WHEAT
45.Bulp 1 x Wey bo pils,1 x Wey munich , 1x Wey Wheat, 2 x Simpsons GP
46.Nibbo - 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x Best Vienna
I can split you half or a quarter of my bag if you want?

Sweet...I'm happy with whatever your happy to let go of. If your ok to split 50/50 thats great, if 75/25 thats fine as well. :kooi:
1. Manticle: 1 x Simpsons Marris, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise, 1 x Dingemans Pilsner, 1 x Weyerman Vienna, 1 x Weyerman Munich I, 1 x simpsons heritage Crystal.
2. Pennywise: Couple of bags & dependant on date as I may be away
3. Lecterfan - 1xJW Pils, 1xSimpsons Golden Promise
4. Maple - 1 x JW Pils, 1 x JW Ale, 1 x Briess Pale, 1 x Briess Victory, 1 x Crisp Pale
5. Mxd - (may need somene to pick up for me)
6. Quintrex - 1 x simpsons MO 1 x JW Wheat
7. Chadjaja - Prob some spec and a bag or two of base.
8. Lespaul - probably 4 bags, likely 3 base and 1 spec
9. Vitalstatistix - see whats going, most prob up for spec splits
10. Polar Beer: 1-2 base
11. peakydh - 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise
12. alan79: 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Wey Pils
13. HoppinMad: 1 x Golden Promise (halvies with Cocko), 1 x Caramunich II (1/4s with Cocko, Chadjaja, + nibbo), 1 x Caramunich I (1/4s with Brenthor, Stewe + hexman)
14. Husky: Split a bag of light crystal with someone?
15. Gavin L: 1x continental pilsner, 1x wheat, 1x munich, 1x rye
16. Mario: 1 x JW Pils 1 x Simpson golden promise
7. David72 - Prob 2 bags, Pils & TF
18. Hammo7 - 2 bags base, 1 spec
19. Chalky - 1x JW Trad Ale, 1x JW Wheat, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch, 1x Simpsons Pale Crystal
20. JayAhhDee - 2 bags base malt
21. Kleiny - something??
22. yum yum yum - 1 bag pils
23. Darkman- 1x Simpsons MO, 1x Best Pils
24. CosmicBertie - Wey Bohemian Pilsner and Simpson MO, + 1/4 Simpsons heritage Crystal with Manticle et al.
25. Brewing_Brad - 2 bags base
26. Shan0066- I'm in for a couple
27. Hexman - 1x JW ale, 1x JW Pils
28. Cocko - 2x JW ALE, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch Malt
29. Fourstar - Base and some spec.
30. Mister Wilson - few bags of base and some spec
31. akroplane1- 2x JW pilsner. 1xJW trad ale. 1x JW wheat malt
32. Acasta - ? x Base, dingemans biscuit (split with manticle, Brenthor), Wheat malt (looking for split)
33. marksfish- a few bags of base
34. bullsneck - 1 x Wey Munich I
35. Don Mateo - 2-4 bags
36. Muscovy - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna. (1 x JW Crystal- splitting half with Hendog88)
37. super_simian - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna
38. Rook - 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x Wey Pilsner
40.Fergthebrewer - I'm in for a couple plus some guys at Westgate...i'll get back to you
41.Hendog88 - JW trad ale x 1, BM pale ale x 1.
42.leachim - so far 1 x Wey wheat ,1x Crisp pale .
43.StraussyStrauss- 1 x Wey pils, 1 x Wey BoPils, 1 x JW Trad Ale
44.Rich_46 - 2 x JW PILS,2x JW ALE,1x JW WHEAT
45.Bulp 1 x Wey bo pils,1 x Wey munich , 1x Wey Wheat, 2 x Simpsons GP
46.Nibbo - 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x Best Vienna

Don't Drop the Drop!
Also... Is the Pick up still looking like 10th Dec?

If so, I'll be in Adelaide that weekend. F**K!

IS there a kind Soul out there that could wrangle 3 bags for me? For a beer fee of course.

St Kilda- I'll pick up from anywhere really!
I'm after more spec malt as I've still got a fair bit of base it seems.

Keen to split half a bag of light Munich either Jw or wey. Not fussed. Anyone?
Also... Is the Pick up still looking like 10th Dec?

If so, I'll be in Adelaide that weekend. F**K!

IS there a kind Soul out there that could wrangle 3 bags for me? For a beer fee of course.

St Kilda- I'll pick up from anywhere really!

Pick up is definitely December 10th.

I may be able to hold yours if it's just a couple of bags but see what other offers you get first as I don't want to overcommit (already possibly holding a few).

Chadjaja - just order what you want and offer them up for splits. You aren't committed to the order at this stage so if you get no interest, you can delete later.

I know vitalstatistix is up for a few spec splits.
Pick up is definitely December 10th.

I may be able to hold yours if it's just a couple of bags but see what other offers you get first as I don't want to overcommit (already possibly holding a few).

Chadjaja - just order what you want and offer them up for splits. You aren't committed to the order at this stage so if you get no interest, you can delete later.

I know vitalstatistix is up for a few spec splits.

Cool. You're already doing a lot, with the organising of the whole she-bang.

Wait and see if anyone can help me out..
Yeah I'll go in for some munich if Wey.

also interested in other splits if anyone else is tinking about it but not too fussed, i got heaps of grain still.

I'll change my order for the sake of $5. The other half is yours. I'm going to be busy with all three of my orders so far splits to weigh out on the day :(
1. Manticle: 1 x Simpsons Marris, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise, 1 x Dingemans Pilsner, 1 x Weyerman Vienna, 1 x Weyerman Munich I, 1 x simpsons heritage Crystal.
2. Pennywise: Couple of bags & dependant on date as I may be away
3. Lecterfan - 1xJW Pils, 1xSimpsons Golden Promise
4. Maple - 1 x JW Pils, 1 x JW Ale, 1 x Briess Pale, 1 x Briess Victory, 1 x Crisp Pale
5. Mxd - (may need somene to pick up for me)
6. Quintrex - 1 x simpsons MO 1 x JW Wheat
7. Chadjaja -1 x Wey Munich 1 (split with Vitalstatistix)
8. Lespaul - probably 4 bags, likely 3 base and 1 spec
9. Vitalstatistix - see whats going, most prob up for spec splits
10. Polar Beer: 1-2 base
11. peakydh - 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise
12. alan79: 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x Wey Pils
13. HoppinMad: 1 x Golden Promise (halvies with Cocko), 1 x Caramunich II (1/4s with Cocko, Chadjaja, + nibbo), 1 x Caramunich I (1/4s with Brenthor, Stewe + hexman)
14. Husky: Split a bag of light crystal with someone?
15. Gavin L: 1x continental pilsner, 1x wheat, 1x munich, 1x rye
16. Mario: 1 x JW Pils 1 x Simpson golden promise
7. David72 - Prob 2 bags, Pils & TF
18. Hammo7 - 2 bags base, 1 spec
19. Chalky - 1x JW Trad Ale, 1x JW Wheat, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch, 1x Simpsons Pale Crystal
20. JayAhhDee - 2 bags base malt
21. Kleiny - something??
22. yum yum yum - 1 bag pils
23. Darkman- 1x Simpsons MO, 1x Best Pils
24. CosmicBertie - Wey Bohemian Pilsner and Simpson MO, + 1/4 Simpsons heritage Crystal with Manticle et al.
25. Brewing_Brad - 2 bags base
26. Shan0066- I'm in for a couple
27. Hexman - 1x JW ale, 1x JW Pils
28. Cocko - 2x JW ALE, 1x Wey Pils, 1x Best Kolsch Malt
29. Fourstar - Base and some spec.
30. Mister Wilson - few bags of base and some spec
31. akroplane1- 2x JW pilsner. 1xJW trad ale. 1x JW wheat malt
32. Acasta - ? x Base, dingemans biscuit (split with manticle, Brenthor), Wheat malt (looking for split)
33. marksfish- a few bags of base
34. bullsneck - 1 x Wey Munich I
35. Don Mateo - 2-4 bags
36. Muscovy - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna. (1 x JW Crystal- splitting half with Hendog88)
37. super_simian - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Vienna
38. Rook - 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x Wey Pilsner
40.Fergthebrewer - I'm in for a couple plus some guys at Westgate...i'll get back to you
41.Hendog88 - JW trad ale x 1, BM pale ale x 1.
42.leachim - so far 1 x Wey wheat ,1x Crisp pale .
43.StraussyStrauss- 1 x Wey pils, 1 x Wey BoPils, 1 x JW Trad Ale
44.Rich_46 - 2 x JW PILS,2x JW ALE,1x JW WHEAT
45.Bulp 1 x Wey bo pils,1 x Wey munich , 1x Wey Wheat, 2 x Simpsons GP
46.Nibbo - 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x Best Vienna

Don't Drop the Drop!

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