max beers from one brew

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GREAT question & some of it has already been answered with the "how big is your gear" & "How many ways/times do you want to split it" & then there's the "How much do you want to experiment?" question....

Personally, I used to use a 3-tier system, but on 5 levels. YES! FIVE levels. Bear with me on this...

I designed & built my original system that involved 2 HLT's (50L each), 2 boilers (80L each)& a single MLT, all gravity-fed.

The premise was to:

1. Create multiple, separate beers in a single brew-day (reclaiming heat from the chiller to heat/start the next mash & have them completely different).

2.Parti-gyle from a single mash & run-off to two separate boilers equally for a mega-batch, or (still parti-gyle);

3. Produce a heavy from one boiler & run the lower-gravity runnings into the second boiler for a "light".

I think I've echoed previous posters' questions:

"What do you want to achieve?".
lukiferj - sorry about that one of those funny til ya say things. DON'T DRINK AND TYPE someone always gets hurt.

Lots of top rate ideas from everyone. the most i have got from my urn was 15lt after mashout with about 4kg of grain. so i was thinking of a pale ale base split into 3x5lt batch's to make a pale, ipa and maybe try a rye or alt?

sorry new to grain how could i increase wort amount to get more then 3 lots of 5ltr?
lukiferj said:
Yep. But I'm fairly sure that's not what he was getting at.
I do realise that, but there is a common misconception that boiling grains is a no-no.
gillie said:
sorry new to grain how could i increase wort amount to get more then 3 lots of 5ltr?
Maxi-biab, then add extract and top up. Not all grain, but it works well.
gillie said:
lukiferj - sorry about that one of those funny til ya say things. DON'T DRINK AND TYPE someone always gets hurt.

Lots of top rate ideas from everyone. the most i have got from my urn was 15lt after mashout with about 4kg of grain. so i was thinking of a pale ale base split into 3x5lt batch's to make a pale, ipa and maybe try a rye or alt?

sorry new to grain how could i increase wort amount to get more then 3 lots of 5ltr?
All good mate.

Agree with what of mice and gods said about maxi biab or adding extract and doing partials rather than full ag.
What is the size of your urn. What recipe did you follow so far. Sooooo many open questions.
I always figured from one basic recipe

Say 50% Pils 50% Wheat, bitter with something nobel you could pull

1. after 15 mins of the boil draw off 1/3 for a Berliner Weisse
2. Bitter the wort and split it of 50/50 and do a belgian blonde and a pilsner by just using different yeasts
MartinOC is on the money... research partigyle :chug:
Lord Raja Goomba just seen your 2 pot method I think I will use the 2 buckets setup with my urn to increase volume. A heart read and has really got me on the right track. Cheers to you brewers that share your tips and tricks.
Made a sparge bucket

JDW81 said:
I do realise that, but there is a common misconception that boiling grains is a no-no.
I've often wondered this but never gotten around to asking the question, so I'll take the opportunity now.... we are told not to boil malted barley due to the extraction of tannins and polyphenols from the husk, but this obviously happens with decoction mashing. So how bad is it?
come on lads took me all sunday to make that sparge bucket..!
anyway taking on the advice here i think i will try a Dr Smurtos english IPA scaled to 15ltr and parti-gyle a 10ltr pale ale thanks martinOC.

15ltr batch og - 1.060 49 ibu 21 ebc 6% abv
MO pale - 5
Pale Choc - .125
ctz 24g @ 60
6g @ 25
9g @ 10
25g @ o
not sure how much to sparge with to get me 10 ltr in cube for a pale ale ? 14ltr? any advice there lads.
my pale ale i am making from the IPA grain bag when i parti-gyle will have the following hop additions
making 10lt in fermenter.
@ 60 - simcoe 6g
@ 30 - fuggles 5g + EKG 5g
@ 10 - fuggles 3g + centennial 5g + EKG 5g
@ 5 - simcoe 4g
@ 0 - fuggles 5g + EKG 5g

Calling it my Indian ultra pale ale or IUPA using up some **** bit hop packs i got laying around.
epic brew day for me made the 2 beers Dr.S. IPA made with cascade and with the second running a pale ale. both no chill will take og readings in morning. Aiming for a 1060 and 1030ish.
went well a bit of over flow from urn with 5kg of grain mash 60 min then pulled bag and in to sparge bucket. with 13ltr sparge water in big w 19lt coming to temp while i made first brew. with 25min to go on first brew the sparge water went in bucket. 2 jugs drained through to start then it sat til i finished IPA. cleaned urn then in with brew #2. Prep for brew day started at 1230 mash finished at 1330 brew #1 done at 1430 brew 2 done at 1530, cleaned equipment down while boiling brew #2.
brew #1 came out at 1085 brew #2 1045 fermenting now just popped my porter a j palmer robust. Dam good holds its head for 2.30min and has a slight smokey taste.very dark.but good.