The wrap:
Now that was a heap of fun, and thanks to all the help here, John Palmers book/website, Beersmith and Batz for an awesome AG setup; all in all I found it easy and enjoyable. There was minimal stress, and enough time to take photos and post my ramblings here - all in all a good day!
Having done it, my immediate feelings are:
1. Get a brew stand built as soon as I move. Carrying boiling wort sucks.
2. Get some more hoses made up - one transfer hose wasn't enough.
3. Get a spare spoon
4. Get purpose thermometers for the HLT and mash tun; keep my nice scientific thermometer as a backup to check things out.
5. I had excess boiling water from the HLT all day - that was great for cleaning and rinsing - definitley worth it
6. Get a timer for the HLT so I can fill it and have it come on early - that held me up.
7. Get a printer cartridge - having to come back to the comp to check each temp/volume from Beersmith sucked

8. While a wit may not be an ideal "beginner" AG beer, I didn't find it hard - the research payed off, and hopefully (touch wood) it will ferment out!
9. Can't wait for the next one!
With that, I think I'll sacrifice a beer to the beer gods