Manticle's Golden Tett

  • Thread starter stuart13
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Cheers Manticle.

Brewed as per your instructions:

Size: 22 liters
Grain: 3kg British Pilsner
1kg German Vienna
1kg German Munich
250g Belgian biscuit
Boil: 60 minutes
Hops: 30g Tettnanger (4.5% AA, 60 min.)
40g Tettnanger (4.5% AA, 20 min.)
20g Tettnanger (aroma) - dry
German ale WY 1007

Mashed at 65 - 60 minutes.

Fermented around 18c - 1 week primary, 1 week secondary.

Been in the bottle two weeks now - sampling one (as you do) as I type this. Not too bad at all - seems fairly well conditioned for only two weeks. This is allegedly a feature of the 1007. I've not used it before, so I am not certain about this. It does throw up an impressive head in the fermenter - you really need some headroom.

Next time I will up the biscuit malt, and increase the amount of dry hops - maybe 30g or more.

This might inspire me to try a few more different brews - I have pretty much been brewing the same lager for summer, and the same ESB for winter, with the odd stout or wheat beer thrown in for far too long...

In fact I have Dr Smurto's Golden Ale happening now - one in primary, and another in secondary.
Glad you like it.

Brewed this a couple of times - same recipe but once with 1007 and once with US05. My preference so far is actually for the US05 version which seems to deliver more lingering bitterness on the palate. 1007 version is a touch sweet. Good head and nice flavour in both though.

There is a possibility my mash temps were out with the 1007 version (although finish was reasonable - maybe 1010 - 1012 fro memory). Stick thermometer was broken so reliance was on the dial which is not accurate in my experience.

I've used 1007 successfully in an alt style so I know it's a lovely yeast. Might brew two versions together and suss the difference to see if it's the yeast or something else.

Anyway, recipe to be posted in the DB when it's sorted and feedback from other brewers is good. Thanks for trying.
My preference so far is actually for the US05 version which seems to deliver more lingering bitterness on the palate. 1007 version is a touch sweet.

Sampling a bottle now at three weeks - you are right, there is a subtle sweetness there. Great color.

I had a day off work yesterday and brewed mark II of this brew. I was going to up the biscuit to 500g, but could not get any. I had 200g at home, so I have added 300g of amber as well. Using US05 this time, fermenting away right now. I had some B Saaz in the freezer, so I used this instead of tettnang. So it's probably not your Golden Tett anymore. I'll report back in a month or so...
Seems alot of people trying this one lately, myself included. It was a good introduction to partial mashing and BIAB, although I subbed the patial recipe into NickJD's BIAB post. I'll have to try an AG version of this now that I can. I'll hang on to a bottle or two of the partial (its been 2 weeks in the bottle, and going fast) to compare.
Manticle, there's a bottle or two saved for you if you're having a brewday next week, I'll bring one over to get some feedback.
I was going to up the biscuit to 500g, but could not get any. I had 200g at home, so I have added 300g of amber as well. Using US05 this time, fermenting away right now. I had some B Saaz in the freezer, so I used this instead of tettnang. So it's probably not your Golden Tett anymore. I'll report back in a month or so...

Tried one of these three weeks ago, and it was still pretty green and I wasn't that impressed with it. Having another now. It has improved to a reasonable degree. The extra amber has given it a deeper color, as you would expect. Jury out on the use of B Saaz, though. I don't think I will try this one again - Tettnang better in my view. Overall, not an improvement on the original...

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