malt pipe for crown 40l urn

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I’ve been biab’ing for around 6 brews now in a crown 40l urn. As a next step up to this kit, I was wondering whether retrofitting the urn to use the Robobrew malt pipe setup such I can recirculate? There are a lot of fans of the Robobrew and recirculation systems but surprisingly I don’t see many people retrofitting their systems to upgrade from the bag to such a kit with upper and Lowe mesh screens to filter their wort. Wanted to see whether anyone has feedback on such a mod. Was thinking simply a STC setup to control mash temps and looking for a filter and also more of a filter setup
Tubedinoz on youtube uses a gen1 robobrew malt pipe with a smaller generic urn. Just email Kegking/land and see how much to source a maltpipe by itself. I have a crown urn and just recirc thru the bag with an STC for temp control and get higher efficiency and more consistent OG than when I used to just passively mash with a blanket for insulation.
This is how I upgraded my Birko urn:

Since then, I have also added a Brauduino so now it's all automatic and programmable. In hindsight I didn't really need such a fancy top screen; a bazooka screen would have been easier and worked just as well.

A few years later all the Robobrews etc started appearing, so I've probably spent more on urn + bits than on a new system!