Low, Very Very Low Alcohol Beer

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I have a friend who ONLY consumes a beer called 'Birell' beer because of health reasons. It is avaliable in the supermarket where you buy Coopers, infact it is made by Coopers. The can states it is fermented from Malt, Hops & Yeast. Can anyone tell me how to make a non alcohol beer like this or something similar?
Cheers15BL :beer:

Ferment wort, boil, add yeast and priming sugar to bottle?

Birrell is achieved by vacuum distillation which basically drives off the alcohol. Not sure if it's an easy thing to achieve. :unsure:

This article from BYO magazine shows how to make a low/no alc. beer.


Good luck with your quest. :)

Warren -
Distillation of the alcohol was a common way to make low/no fun beer, now days they mostly pump it through a reverse osmosis unit, the alcohol is squeezed out without the loss of all the fine volatiles that you loose when you distill.
Even vacuum distillation can darken the beer dramatically. There have been over the years a couple of clear like lemonade coloured beers including one by Coopers. These were another application of Ro-Mo technology.

Thanks for your help guys, BOIL it OUT, that link Warren provided explains it perfectly.
Thanks again & Cheers :beer:
This reminds me of a story a couple of weeks ago at an establishment at the Cross. I asked for a beer, to which the bargirl says "We only have Cooper's". To which I say "Great, one please". I am sitting with the boys drinking my beer for a while when suddenly I realise I am sobering up. And it isn;t the show in front of me causing this. I read the label and it's a Cooper's Birrell. I storm back to the bar and demand my money back. "I asked for a beer and got served up this soft drink" and other comments found their way out of my mouth before I was refunded my $6.50 and told to "get the hell outta here".

Sorry for the hijack :)
Have a look in the library section of Brewery.org. There are a few articles on low alcohol beer.


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