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Thought i'd try an easy all extract brew today,things could not have gone more wrong.

Cruisin along steeping grain,cool.waiting for lme to drain into set measure,cool.Got the first 1.5kg no worries,put in kettle.Got distracted making up my 1056,forgot about second 1.5 draining from honeygate,contiuned to flow at great rate,10kgs later oooopppppps,very messy.

Thought well cleaned that shit,im good to go .............nope.................no chilled from kettle into open cube,another open tap,ooooppppps messy again
I hear so many sob stories about open taps I double check mine even when I'm half way thru draining :D

But I gotta ask, what were you doing making up a 1056 starte on brewday ? You need to get that happening a couple of days before.

Also, fill in your location so other brewers can offer to come round and lick your floor clean...we're a desperate bunch on here :chug:
1056 was made before brew day,Is that ok?

Was just commenting on having a not normal brew day

Just thought others would find it amusing,the missus critique enough;)
Making starte before is good ! Making it on brewday would kind negate the point.

No brew day's normal, that's why they're soo much fun <_<
Was just commenting on having a not normal brew day
i hear ya...i got so excited...maybe a little pissed (just a tad was bottling before that)...on saturday that when i was brewing.... first time with specialty grains yeah..was pretty stokd (hey luv look at this..see that..smell this..god smell those hops..oh yeah i was the MAN alright...lol B) ) ...then i was filling up the fermenter with chilled water to pitch yeast was at around the 13 litre mark when my wife asked if that tin of goop was supposed to go in as well...bugger...panic...run around...run around!!! oh well still had enough literage left to fix it...lol
cheers simpletotoro <aka simplepillock>
Mika 3 posts to this forum make me noob,

what i have done brew wise,well, there you go.

Not new to brewing,just new to this forum

Cheers mate,know you were trying to help,all the power to you mate
Thought i'd try an easy all extract brew today,things could not have gone more wrong.

Cruisin along steeping grain,cool.waiting for lme to drain into set measure,cool.Got the first 1.5kg no worries,put in kettle.Got distracted making up my 1056,forgot about second 1.5 draining from honeygate,contiuned to flow at great rate,10kgs later oooopppppps,very messy.

Thought well cleaned that shit,im good to go .............nope.................no chilled from kettle into open cube,another open tap,ooooppppps messy again

I use a spring tap that is obvious when open. never had the problem.
Brewtus... pretty much got it soughted now mate.

I was putting up a humourous episode that happened.
It's only brewing beer guys,take it easy.

Oh you guys want the hop schedule...........................por @ 60
por @ 15
por @ 0

28g por dry rack
Brewtus... pretty much got it soughted now mate.

I was putting up a humourous episode that happened.

I have a normal trap on my knew 2ndry. I am paranoid of doing it. It is entertaining though to read others funny tales.
I have a normal trap on my knew 2ndry. I am paranoid of doing it. It is entertaining though to read others funny tales.

There's another classic thread just like this... look for "balls up", as I couldn't be arsed adding a link to it (let alone know how to).
well moved from extract to ag,my first 4 have gone "real well" i think

Cheers guys for what i have learnt here.

If it wasn't for quality sites like this.we'd be all fumbling in the dark.

Brew On
Another one moves to the dark side :super:

You a west coast man,Freo or a ex pat living in a pommy strong hold?


Just been an A-hole

Cheers gents

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