Looking For Quick Ideas Re: Break

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Hey fellow AHB'ers :icon_chickcheers:

Just looking for any ideas you may have for my little predicament.

In my tightarse brewery (read electric element in 30L fermy to boil, coleman mash tun and $10 braid manifold FTW) i am so far very pleased with the results of my foray in AG brewing. I normally seal the fermy after the boil and leave it for a few days to cool and let the trub/hops/break settle out, and this usually allows me to drain into another fermenter and pitch the yeast.

HOWEVER doing things this way i always lose anywhere from 3-5 litres of wort due to the break/hops at the bottom creeping into the tap and i dont want this crap getting into my fermenter. strapped for cash at the moment otherwise i would be investing in a good washable filter setup or something.

how do the other tight arses out there get around this problem? thanks in advance!
The old "stocking filter" method works for me, if I can be bothered.
.. alternatively, just don't worry about it. It settles in the fermentor.
I've been told that whirlpooling tends to help. I personally use a hop sock and just throw the break into the fermenter along with the wort, I'm a pretty lazy man.
Chock the fermenter at an angle before leaving it to cool, then siphon the cool wort out afterwards. Siphon from the top and chase the liquid level down as it drops. To aerate the wort as you siphon it get a short length of plastic bottling tube, 3 to 5 cm long, and drill some fine holes in it. Cut about 20 cm off the end of the siphon hose and insert the drilled tube between the two pieces of hose. Venturi effect will aerate the wort for you.


Absolute Homebrew
St Marys & Faulconbridge

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