Long Time Members Who Dont Post Much

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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The UK brew forums are a good example of people keeping on topic and most of the posts are helpful and informative "where can I get good hops in the Norwich Area" sort of thing. They do strike me as being a bit geeky compared to our forum with nothing really equivalent to the banter that goes on in the Case swap threads or the "Chinese hops - what next?" thread. However I am also a member of an Australian forum (Digital TV) which has about six times the membership of AHB and the threads very quickly get to fifteen or twenty pages within a few days. I don't visit there often anymore as I find it's a soulless place nowadays.

This current thread has got me thinking that AHB forum seems to be about the right size and mix, but unfortunately attracts some trolls and shitfights and it would be great to see the Mods jump a bit more firmly on these. The 'pub' , the 'nothing' thread and others in the off topic area are a good idea for bored people who want to post pictures of dogs and watermelons and leave the brewing threads for on topic stuff.

(reformed Bribie B) )


stagga. :lol:
Hey, sum of us c**t heelp it iff wees canna tyype 2 good.... :lol:
Think this is a great forum. Any question I have had, stupid or otherwise has been answered super quick and without any issue. People seem to connect with the "starting out at HB" concept cause we have all been there at one stage or another..
Only recently joined, but suppose I am a lurker. Check the forum everyday. That said, I use the search function and get the answers that I am after. When I have been brewing for a bit longer, and can add a little knowledge to a topic, I guess then I will post more. :)
I just come here to occupy time between hands of online poker. It's hard to post between 'dings' ;) :p
Have learnt a lot lurking though.

I do the same.

I post more often on smaller forums but because of the size I tend to use this one just to gather information
I lurked here for well over 12 months before I got up the gumption to post anything... I guess it's a little intimidating at first. I think I fell into the same trap as a lot of other joiners, you get a bit of AHB fever and start typing like a receptionist. Lucky for me at the time there were a lot of the old stagers about (some still are) that had seen it all too many times before, yet still gave the advice. It sure has led me a long way in my beer journey, as well as introduced me to a lot of fantastic, friendly and helpful people.

I still think this place is one of the best online brewing resources and communities, and although some of the veterans seem a little jaded with what it is today, I think it's ever evolving, but the wheat still dominates the chaff.
There has been some mention about 'passing phases' and 'shitfights'.

I don't think that differences of opinion on aussiehomebrewer are a new phenomenon.
When I started on this forum there were **** fights and it kind of comes with the territory - Most memorable:

- Chill vs No Chill
- Telling newbies to do a f'n search vs helping them with detailed replies
- Paying out on anyone with an airlock not bubbling who bothered to ask for help.

The disagreements recently do seem more personal and less about brewing and using the site, and that is a worry - but I do believe this is an awesome place.
It's part of the reason why I tend to jump in and add a little 'light' with the 'shade' in terms of some of the negative threads here.

I'd also be one of the guilty ones in terms of trying to help out some brewers without knowing 100% all the answers and suggesting reading Palmer or other books, but if you do know the answer outright, or have a better solution - don't hold back. That's what this place is all about, sharing ideas and solving problems we all have.

Anyhow I'll get off this thread now as I shouldn't be using it as a vehicle to get my post count up. :p


I'm a long time lurker. I was reading the forums for a good 18 months before I finally registered in early 2005. I was into posting for a while but the forum tone seemed to have gone away from basic brewing and into gadgetry and perpetuation of homebrew myths. The site seems to have become a big retail lovefest where threads that may detract from the site sponsers are quickly nipped in the bud.

I post now and then but I am usually told that I am wrong by a brewer who was doing K&K a few weeks previously. I guess 7 years of AG brewing and learning from mistakes doesn't count for much any more.

I guess I'm not the only one that feels that way as some of the original regulars such as Chiller and Doc have either disappeared or don't post anywhere nearly as frequently as they used to.
Can't but help agree with a lot of the sentiment but things change with size I guess, makes it hard to spot the good threads amongst the noise. I still pop in every couple of days to see what I can find.

I'm finding it hard to brew living in the US with beer relatively cheap and such a crazy selection (available in my supermarket too).

Perhaps I will be more active when I come back next year ... I will have to brew on Sundays since Perth is still closed, *sigh* :(
Im just curious if those people who dont post regularly are generally social people or more introverted? could be a reason you dont post much
Definitely a lurker here.

I only get the chance to get on here a couple of times a week so I tend to spend most of the time reading the threads that Ive missed.

AHB has been an invaluable resource to me over the last 4 years.

When I joined I was extract brewing and had no intention of doing AG; didnt have the time.
Twelve months later I still didnt have the time but due to the information, and inspiration from this site my first AG was done.

Like others have said AHB has certainly changed over the years.

The misinformation currently being given to new brewers, the posting for the sake of posting and the derailing of useful / interesting threads into off topic garbage has become increasingly frustrating over the last 12 months or so.

To the likes of people like Screwtop, Tony, Barry, Thirstyboy, wes smith, jayse, Ross, TDA, warren and others, rest assured your posts are always read and noted with interest. :beer:

Im sure Im not the only one here who values your experience and advice.


I read the forum every day, but rarely post. Most of the time I'm holding a baby or entertaining my 3-year-old so typing with one hand is pretty slow. And there's people out there who give good info and type faster than I do, so I only tend to post if I have more to add, or if something really pisses me off. I lurked for a long time before joining, and I can't see that the site is any worse than the 'good old days'. I remember bun fights back then, and personal vendettas between members. It still happens and it's always going to happen on a forum of this size. And there's members who post frequently and with little to say, but again, it's a public forum so there's always going to be some of that. The power users who post a lot with valuable info (off the top of my head - Chappo, bum, Fourstar, DrSmurto, cm2, etc.) far outweigh the idiots and there's still a wealth of info that gets posted up. I've been brewing for 8 years and most days I still learn new things...
There has been some mention about 'passing phases' and 'shitfights'.

I don't think that differences of opinion on aussiehomebrewer are a new phenomenon.
When I started on this forum there were **** fights and it kind of comes with the territory - Most memorable:

- Chill vs No Chill
- Telling newbies to do a f'n search vs helping them with detailed replies
- Paying out on anyone with an airlock not bubbling who bothered to ask for help.

The disagreements recently do seem more personal and less about brewing and using the site, and that is a worry - but I do believe this is an awesome place.
It's part of the reason why I tend to jump in and add a little 'light' with the 'shade' in terms of some of the negative threads here.

I'd also be one of the guilty ones in terms of trying to help out some brewers without knowing 100% all the answers and suggesting reading Palmer or other books, but if you do know the answer outright, or have a better solution - don't hold back. That's what this place is all about, sharing ideas and solving problems we all have.

Anyhow I'll get off this thread now as I shouldn't be using it as a vehicle to get my post count up. :p



I've only been a member for just over a year and I'm guilty of some of the things that some of you complain about. I post a lot (although I try not to make it frivolous - 90% is beer related), I have given some advice that is incorrect (although I'm usually pretty careful to either have a clue what I'm talking about or phrase it in a way that suggests it's not the be all and end all but I'm only human), use online references and books (usually I've tried the techniques I'm linking to or at least suggest they may be helpful rather than gospel) and very ocassional double posting (usually after edit time has expired). I'm not sure that using references to back you up should be considered bad though. Experiential/anecdotal evidence for something is great but just because you did something and it didn't stuff up doesn't make it gospel either.

The thing is, I came here to ask a question (a very stupid question) and got stuck reading a lot of other material I had no clue about. This site is almost solely responsible for me brewing All Grain beers for the last few months, having gone from kits to kits n' bits to extracts to extracts/specialty to partials to building my own half arsed AG system. Basically this site (and many of the more knowledgeable users) gave me the bug to want to brew better beer and to help others who want the same. If that means answering 50 questions about airlocks then I'll do it. It's a show of appreciation for others being patient with me. I probably read more threads than I post in.

If I tell someone something that is incorrect (or even open for debate), I'd prefer to be pulled up by someone more experienced because that helps me learn and whoever I gave the advie to and whoever reads the thread. Maybe the forum isn't like it used to be in the olden, golden days but it's a hell of a lot less bitchy and off topic than many others I've seen. I'm the first one who can recognise when he's wrong and I have no drama deferring to others more knowledgeable than me. You're not much use if you don't type it out though. Generally I keep my advice to kits and beginner AG sections as I've been there and have some experience to fall back on. AG section is where I ask my often noobish questions.

Things evolve and change. A lot of people get a lot out of this site and I think there's a lot more positives than there are negatives.

Sorry for long post.
I do not post much, more so when I am planning, but I am here every day a few times a day. My post would be somewhat higher had I not moved overseas for a couple of years. Nice to see some old names in this thread. If I ever see a post from an old name I like to have a look and see what advice is on offer. The forum has certainly evolved over time with an increase in numbers and a number of other factors. The same questions that were asked 8, 4, 2 years ago are being asked now and you can search to find the answer. To fill the void a large number of less technical or experienced based threads are being asked and these often flood the boards.

One thing that I enjoyed was noting how people who joined around the same time as myself grew in their brewing knowledge, skill and equipment.

Hello old things!

Post 8,000

Sad really hey?

Wish i was a lurker, or even a Troll, i just don't have much free time, i used to have more time but the missus got a job and the house got more holes in it and i got more busy at work,i bought a motorbike and started riding in the evenings and now these days i don't have time to scratch my ass. I barely have time to brew lately.
I've still got 2 pots of honey waiting for making mead! I bought 5k of crushed grain and had it sitting in a plastic bag for 5 weeks as i didn't find time to mash.

I would like to spend more time here as i learn more about how to make better beer and it's a community not just a forum, you gotta take the good with the bad the trolls are just like any other forum.....

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