Long Time Members Who Dont Post Much

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Porn and AHB, that sums up my only uses for the net :icon_chickcheers:

I like to watch :lol: bit of a lurker on both types of site.
Wish i was a lurker, or even a Troll, i just don't have much free time, i used to have more time but the missus got a job and the house got more holes in it and i got more busy at work,i bought a motorbike and started riding in the evenings and now these days i don't have time to scratch my ass. I barely have time to brew lately.
I've still got 2 pots of honey waiting for making mead! I bought 5k of crushed grain and had it sitting in a plastic bag for 5 weeks as i didn't find time to mash.

I would like to spend more time here as i learn more about how to make better beer and it's a community not just a forum, you gotta take the good with the bad the trolls are just like any other forum.....

Sounds similar to me... Too damned busy to brew or post much.
Hello old things!

Post 8,000

Sad really hey?


Nah mate, not sad at all. I enjoy your comments and photos.

I check in every day but don't post much, mostly in the xmas case swap threads. By the time I get to read the new posts they've been answered, usually with differing opinions.

It's funny seeing how the forum has changed over the years, and how the crowd has changed as well.

When I first joined there was a sense of exploration and adventure, I know it sounds a bit wanky, but it was all new ground for a lot of people. I was lucky enough to benefit from the really early members experiences and mistakes.

There's been some up's and downs over the years, for example there was a stage, a little while ago, where it seemed that a real vigilante mentality ruled. Some poor bugger would find the forum and try and sell some homebrew gear and get shot down for only posting to sell his gear and not contributing to the forum etc etc. It seemed to happen a lot at the time, not just someone selling some gear, it could have been anyone with a different opinion at the time, the mob would gang up on them and bully them down.

Then there is the usual subjects, my favourite being the commercial beer tasting like cats piss thread and then every man and his dog has an evangelical moment and has to explain how bad the beer tastes, how good their beer is and how they'd never touch another commercial beer again. 20 pages later and they're still saying the same thing.
I went through that stage early on, but I've woken up to myself. I'll go to a club or pub and have a schooner of Resches or Old and enjoy it.

Nowadays there are a lot more people with a lot of differing opinons which makes for interesting reading, sometimes the banter gets a bit annoying but I just skip over that if I can't be bothered reading it. The way a thread can get derailed by off topic crap spoils it sometimes.

All in all the site is still growing and I'm still learning. I've just started brewing wits and with the increase of belgian beers in the last few xmas case swaps, I've been searching and reading everything I can about them.

When I started on this forum there were **** fights and it kind of comes with the territory - Most memorable:

- Chill vs No Chill
- Telling newbies to do a f'n search vs helping them with detailed replies
- Paying out on anyone with an airlock not bubbling who bothered to ask for help.

Ahhhh you missed the good old days of Pete from wagga and the Jovial Monk free Chat room that you needed a special password to get into :)

And then there was the Old Grumpys forum before that............ we used to stay up till 2am to get post No. 100 or 200 in a thread. Remember Stagga........ when i piped you for 400 i think in the 2can thread.

Ahhhhhh thems were the days.

Hello old things!

Post 8,000

Sad really hey?


Congratz Batz :lol: Im a poet and didnt knoet

Ahb is still a great place to come learn about brewing.

I will say this to any lurking newbies or oldies.................

Dont be afraid to have a chat. Yes there are some negative aspects floating around on here but its a public forum with 12000 members........... your going to get conflicts and people wanting to cause problems.
But IMO......... as much as they bug me to death............ they are a very VERY small part of the big piucture that could be so much better if more of the good folks joined in.

hook in folks.

Hmmm. long term lurker.

I read here most days, and have joined several bulk buys.

I currently BIAB and No Chill.
and I'm planning on moving to three vessel AG soon.
I need to build my stand first.
I have bought the steel, a cheap welder and a cutoff saw.

I'm sure I'll have a few Q's when I get around to it.
Definatly a Lurker here...

One of the good things about a forum such as this, is the amount of time it has been going. Since it has been going for so long, just about every question i have to ask, has been asked and answered many times before.

Seach is your friend.

Still, every so often i'll put in my two cents where appropriate IMO.


Well seeing how Batz and Toneeeeee posted why not,

I remember when you could buy a single sack of malt from the maltster for 75c a kilo but now we are forced to buy for more than $2.00 if you buy a tonne or more.

World markets prices for malt have not risen, but HB "dealership" prices have significantly.


And then there was the Old Grumpys forum before that............ we used to stay up till 2am to get post No. 100 or 200 in a thread. Remember Stagga........ when i piped you for 400 i think in the 2can thread.

Grumpys was a great forum. I think I only chucked a butters07 once, remember kiwidrunk (domonsura)?....something about you telling people to search instead of asking? Didnt take me long to come back. Used to love seeing the photos of their Stamstiches with Voosher, tdh (Grumpy Thomas) etc holding up a card saying "ya mongrels". Then after a bit of searching through Grumpys old threads realised that the long time members on AHB used to be on the Grumpys forum. Tony (before I knew him from AHB) always had a helpful encouraging answer, as well as Ross, TDA etc. Ross taught me a lot. Always happy to help. At that stage I didnt know what the hell he was talking about...something to do with mashing grain n stuff. Will never forget telling Grumpys they should give away some freebies for the 1000th order. Guess who got it? Me! Wont forget the day someone told stagga how to post pics either! Love ya stagga!
Will never forget telling Grumpys they should give away some freebies for the 1000th order. Guess who got it? Me!

:eek: i was you


Pumpy, Ducatiboystu, Ross and I got together one weekend in tamworth at my joint for a brew weekend before we found AHB........ christ....... that would be 2003.

I remember them watching the grain go through my newly developed motorised mill ........ that GT wanted me to mass produce and market, and Ross saying........... well that takes the fun out of it! I munches 5 KG in about 60 seconds.

I'd like a dollar for every fun moment that AHB has brought to brewers around the country!

love it
Well seeing how Batz and Toneeeeee posted why not,

I remember when you could buy a single sack of malt from the maltster for 75c a kilo but now we are forced to buy for more than $2.00 if you buy a tonne or more.

World markets prices for malt have not risen, but HB "dealership" prices have significantly.



Will leave people to do their own currency conversions:


Don't post much these days myself. Too busy hunting down the world's best malt prices.
If you wanted to see a **** fight you should have been around when CraftBrewer set up. There was a fair amount of robust discussion about whether this name was stolen from the old http://oz.craftbrewer.org/. I was a subscriber to the disgest before this forum started. Alas it has withered away. The site still has a very useful set of resources but the digest is infrequent and small when it does arrive.
Well seeing how Batz and Toneeeeee posted why not,

I remember when you could buy a single sack of malt from the maltster for 75c a kilo but now we are forced to buy for more than $2.00 if you buy a tonne or more.

World markets prices for malt have not risen, but HB "dealership" prices have significantly.



Well Done Darren, you are good value mate, I'd love to have a beer with you one day ! AHB has been a part of my life for so many years now. Way back when, you pretty well knew everyone, but now with so many members it is impossible to keep track of who is who. The thing I have noticed in the last few years is a attitude by some that is like a digital glassing, I really feel sorry for some poor retailers trying to get word out of their new product or what ever on the retail thread and get hammered by f%&*wits for no good reason. That and I feel sorry for newbs who ask a simple question and get a **** load of humbug quoted from books when a simple two line sentence would answer their questions.


I wouldn't say I'm 'long term, but definitely heading in that direction. And to think it all started at uni when I figured it'd be cheaper to buy a kit and brew than to buy nasty commercial beer...

I don't post a heap nowdays, generally due to having less questions and interjections. More of a helping hand to the new guys now I guess, that and chipping in on political stuff if it takes my fancy.

And then there was the Old Grumpys forum
That place was grand, got shut down not all that long after I joined if I remember correctly. Maybe I just lurked there, I dunno.

- boingk

EDIT: HAHA! Geez, guess the profile comments exemplify my low-profileness of late. Just checked it out of curiosity to see my post average (1.03/day).
Hello old things!

Post 8,000

Sad really hey?


And they didn't hold a candlelight vigil for you..

I must say the whole shaking down of new retailers to the site gets on my nerves as well...
Then there is the usual subjects, my favourite being the commercial beer tasting like cats piss thread and then every man and his dog has an evangelical moment and has to explain how bad the beer tastes, how good their beer is and how they'd never touch another commercial beer again. 20 pages later and they're still saying the same thing.
I went through that stage early on, but I've woken up to myself. I'll go to a club or pub and have a schooner of Resches or Old and enjoy it.

Yeah well there may be some truth in this as I have a high preference for my own brew particuarly since going AG brewing just over a year ago. If I go to the pub it would have to be some exotic boutique brew to get the taste buds going over the bland commercial offering. I suppose I have become spoilt with brewing my own and I say that with all sincerity with no added B/S.

Grumpys was a great forum. Will never forget telling Grumpys they should give away some freebies for the 1000th order. Guess who got it? Me! Wont forget the day someone told stagga how to post pics either! Love ya stagga!

Yeah, that was actually Braulover from Adelaide that showed me, Grumpy was going to put a price on his head for that. :lol:


Well seeing how Batz and Toneeeeee posted why not,

I remember when you could buy a single sack of malt from the maltster for 75c a kilo but now we are forced to buy for more than $2.00 if you buy a tonne or more.

World markets prices for malt have not risen, but HB "dealership" prices have significantly.



Wow.. what a great point. You're right Darren, I just googled it & even raw grain prices have not moved over the last 10 years - steady as, even though there's been droughts & floods worldwide. Thanks for uncovering another great conspiracy.
And then there was the Old Grumpys forum before that............ we used to stay up till 2am to get post No. 100 or 200 in a thread. Remember Stagga........ when i piped you for 400 i think in the 2can thread.

Ahhhhhh thems were the days

Yeah and remember when Ray H. had a few and went to sleep in the park with his slug hanging out, that little old lady walked past and thought it was some sort of a one eyed ferret peering out at her. :lol:
Grumpy`s was legendery. :beerbang:

:lol: Up to 5 pages now... This thread really does answer it's own question.

Warren -

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