Liver Function Test

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Anyone had one of these tests?
From 2 years ago my numbers have doubled and the doctor blames the drinking. Grrr.
Time for the herbal treatment I think. Milk thistle has been sugested but has anyone got any other remedies to help the liver so I dont have to give up drinking all togeather.
The only good thing to come from this is my beer has more time to condition.
Trying to help myself by having shandies instead.
Just hope the next test in 2 months comes out better.
PS dosnt help when your blood pressure & colestrol are ski hi aswell.
Time to change I think.
I had the full bag of tests done on me about three years ago drag. Lobbed at the quacks and said "if you can test it, I want it tested" He actually congratulated me on doing it cause he said men just don't do that, particularly early like I did, and therefore rip up their tickets way too early from alot of conditions that are quite easily manageable or preventable.

Found out I had high cholestorol, slightly high blood pressure, quite a bit of fat in my liver (from a liver function test) and was mildly insulin resistant (precurser to diabeties). Verdict was change my eating habits, lose a bit of weight and wait for it...... cut down on drinking!! Yep, that's what I thought. Two out of three were relatively easy. I then moved to Perth, away from the doc, and get this, took up brewing!! What would any rational person do if the doc told them to cut down on drinking beer? That's right, they'd start home brewing. Genius I am.

Bottom line is, from what I was told, if your liver function is crap, you pretty much gotta modify your eating and drinking i.e. as much as I hate to say it, cut down. Along with losing weight (if this is an issue). Overall become a healthier person. Exercise will help heaps, even a little a day. I swim a fair bit, walk in soft sand at the beach, do a bit of gym work etc but I'm still heavier than I should be. I have modified my eating habits in what I eat, the problem is how much. My missus is of Italian descent and is quite possibly the best cook this side of the Tiber River. Being full after a feed is no reason to stop eating when it's that good. I researched those detox things quite a bit as well. From what I could find, they are a waste of money and some are downright dangerous to your health with the food they restrict you to. The body is quite capable of detoxing itself, that's what the liver does, if we stop filling it with crap day after day after day. Saturated fats, caffine, alcohol, sugars, processed foods, refined flours etc. Keep tipping this stuff into your liver quicker than it can get rid of it and there's gonna be a backlog. It becomes sluggish and less responsive and brings other stuff down with it. Try running your car for 30/40/50 years without changing or cleaning the petrol, air and oil filter and see what happens.

Now that I'm back near my quack I'm going to get the full whack of tests done again, see where I'm at then probably trot off to a dietician with the results and see if they can work someting out for me. Like the greater majority of people, if it's left up to me to change my eating/drinking habits it happens for the best part of a week, maybe two, and it's back to the old bad habits. If it's written on paper though, I follow it religiously.

Good luck with it mate

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